30- Fighting

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Ryan and I start to skate back to the Cube house after I start to feel bad. We talk every few minutes. Unable to handle the silence, I pull out my vlog camera and turn it on. 

"Hey guys! Ryan and I," I point the camera at him and he waves. "are skating back from the park." I turn the camera back onto me. "Mitch and Brayden were supposed to show up, but I guess they got cold feet, so here we are together. I'm not feeling to good so we are going back to the house. We found a playground and were swinging on the swings. I forgot to vlog any of it, but that is the point of taking these trips, so..." I trip over a rock since I'm not paying attention, and fall.
Ryan looks at me. "Taking these trips?" he raises his eyebrows, grinning.
"Aren't you going to help me, not just acknowledge the fact I made a joke, not meaning to?"
"Nope." He says, but grabs my hand to help me up and I accept. I pull myself up and grab my camera, which recorded the whole incident. "Welp, that was terribly embarrassing." I say bluntly at the camera, squeezing Ryan's hand and turning off the vlog.
"Should we stay off the boards?" Ryan laughs.
"That would be nice." We grab our boards and walk back.

"Hey guys!" I yell as we step into the house.
"Sup?" Mitch and Brayden ask, from the couch.
I raise an eyebrow. "Weren't you guys supposed to meet up with us?"
"Sorry." Mitch starts. "I already had a date with the couch planned, apologies."
"Yeah, I'm sure you two had fun. Brayden, your crappy excuse?"
"You know what, we are only here for two more days, now is not the time to get mad at each other. Besides, you two should get to know each other more." Brayden says, trying to walk out of the room, and the conversation. Why did Brayden say that? I look down at my feet, deep in thought, then look at my hands. Duh, he thinks we are dating or something, Ryan and I are still holding hands. I pull my hand away from him and go up to Brayden. Me being 5'5, which is tall for a girl, am still shorter than Brayden, who is more than four inches taller than me.
"Brayden, what the crap? I thought you would have cared more! I just want to get to know everyone!" I start tearing up. "I'm not here to sleep with everyone! I'm not every other girl that immerses themselves in 'boy's culture' just to try to get into their pants!" I start full on crying at this point, and everyone that might have originally been in earshot of the conversation left. Ryan comes up behind me, pulls me into a hug and draws circles on my back, calming me down. I start doing that whimpering/calming down noise that is really annoying whenever someone else does it, but whenever you do it, you sound like a soon to be Emmy-winning actress.
"Sorry Brayden, I don't feel good, I'm going to bed. Thanks Ryan." I pull away from the hug, but squeeze his hand and walk upstairs and crash on my bed.

Originally not how it was going to be, but I'm fine with how it ended up. Thoughts, comments, questions, constructive criticism, concerns?

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