66- botanical

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	"Look at this one, it's beautiful

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"Look at this one, it's beautiful." I touch a camellia flower. 

 Will and I walk, holding hands, under a garrya tree

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 Will and I walk, holding hands, under a garrya tree. 

	"I'm glad we decided to come here, I love it

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"I'm glad we decided to come here, I love it. It's so peaceful and-" I kiss him to shut him up. I squeeze his hand and we split up. I bend over to look at the violets.

"My birth flower." I look up and Will is bending down to smell them.

"We've been here for a few hours, it's almost five now."

"We should leave." We start to walk towards the exit. Before getting in the car, I squeeze Will's hand one last time.

Sorry for the filler, I have serious stuff going on now.

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