43- Deadpool gets Will a date

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I open the door of my room as Charlie starts to recites his twitter name, along with youtube channel and instagram. I barge into the room before he can give Will his social security number.

"Ok, bye Charlie, get." I shove him out of my desk chair and smile at Will. Charlie protests but leaves.
"Finally. Was there.... something you wanted to tell me Willy Shakes?
"Oh yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a movie. When you are here of course."
"Sounds great! Any movie in particular?"
"Deadpool. Sounds awesome."
"Great. Talk to you later."
"Bye." I exit the hangout and lean back in my chair, sighing. Will just asked me out. Will just asked me out. I calm myself down and start editing my perspective of the Survival Challenge.

Next few will be flashbacks btw, you will know if there is a dotted line box around it.

text text text words blah words
-------------------- <-dotted line box

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