47- no title can describe this boringness

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I wake up early in the morning, throwing the last few things into my bag. I also pack things into my carry on, including my earbuds, gum, food, etc. I throw on a jacket and shove my phone and wallet into the pockets, completing my packing.

Up and ready 2 go! see u soon

I text Will, and go downstairs with my luggage.


I step out of my brother's car, near mirroring when I went to San Antonio.
"See you in a few days, be good at school." I open the door to step out. He yawns in response, since he had to get up three hours earlier than normal.
"I would be better at school if my crazy sister didn't go on escapades to England to see her boyfriend at three in the morning."
"Love yah too!" I shout, waving and slamming the door. I grab my luggage and walk to the gate, vlogging along the way.

sorry for the short chapter, didn't want to do a cringey timeskip

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