Chapter 11

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Time Skip!


5 months later... Christmas Day

Holiday season quickly approached and everyone had become one big family. Tiana and Jasmine were doing better than ever and August was August. He bought himself a bigger, better home and enjoyed all the free space he had to roam around. My mother basically adopted August somehow and now they're closer than we are. For the holiday, everyone decided on coming to August's house to celebrate. Of course, he invited his own family to celebrate with us. At first, I was nervous meeting his family simply because they're new people with different lifestyles and upbringing so they may not like me but everyone was very warm and welcoming when they arrived.

August had everyone and their mama, literally, in the kitchen helping him cook. My mom was cooking her famous collard greens and cornbread while Ms. Jacqueline was making desserts of different sorts, with his mother, Ms. Toni, making baked macaroni and cheese and yams. Somehow, I was stuck on banana pudding duty while Tiana stood next to me on deviled egg duty. My job wasn't hard at all but I've become disgusted by the smell of bananas. Hours passed and dinner was finished.

Everyone was in the kitchen in a line as they waited for their plate to be made. Since we were at August's house, he felt it was his duty to help make everyone's plate along with my mom. Everyone who helped cook got their plate made first aside from August and my mom, so I easily made my way to the front of the line. August laughed once he seen me smiling with my plate in my hand.

"Hold dat plate wit two hands befo' I put anything on it." He said. I did as told before he put turkey on my plate. "How you know if I wanted turkey, Aug?" I whined. "I'on even know why you whining 'cause dats what you want. You know you don't eat no damn ham. What else you want?"

"I want macaroni, collard greens, yams, a Hawaiian roll, put two deviled eggs and then I'm going to the dessert side." I told him as I began dancing just thinking about it. He laughed and swatted me away.

"Mommy." I smiled bright. "What you want, Mia? Everything?" She joked.

"Ha ha, mom. Real funny." I spoke blandly. "Girl, what do you want? You holding my line up." She said, getting frustrated.

"I know, mama, tell ha' ta' leave us alone." August budged in.

"Woah yeah, wait a minute Mr. Lunchman. This is a mother-daughter conversation." I said, rolling my eyes.

"August, you need to stop worrying about Mia for once and put another scoop of that mac on this plate. You slackin' homeboy!" Tiana yelled.

"Why these grown ass kids in da front of da line anyway? Ain't it kids first?" August said.

"Fuck them kids, nigga. We worked hard so we getting compensated for our hard work. I smell like eggs, young blood. Eggs!" Tee shouted, making all three of us laugh.

"You smell like dat all da time!" August shouted back.

Tiana decided it would be okay to slap him with her fork, leaving a very obvious red fork print on his fair skin. I laughed at the funny-looking shape and earned a mean mug from August.

"I'm sorry." I spoke through my laughter.

Eventually, we were forced out of the line but we still received all the food we wanted. About ten minutes later, everyone had their food and was seated at the table. Of course, August was the last to sit down.

"Lemme sit beside my bestie and not dat otha' hoodlum." He said as he plopped down in the seat beside me.

Tiana glared at August before speaking. "I know everyone wants to dig in, especially me but Jasmine and I have two very important announcements to make so hold on to your wigs and you edges. First announcement is that Jasmine and I decided to elope and we've been happily married for about a month now." Everyone around the table gasped.

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