Chapter 22 (Early Delivery?)

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Nina is 32 weeks pregnant by the way!

(Maybe Short!!)

AN: I'm not familiar with what goes down at an appointment for a pregnant woman so sorry if things don't make sense lol.

After the little mishap that we had in the waiting room, my doctor brought us back for my sonogram test. We went into the room, and August helped me sit down since I was panting from the short walk. The baby weight was really taking a tole on me. "So, how are you feeling Nina? Any new symptoms, pains?" asked my doctor.

"Well, no actually. The baby has been super calm, kind of like he's not even there." I responded. The doctor looked at me with a surprised look. Then he quickly got up and left out the room. "Do you feel the baby kicking at all?" asked August.

"I use to feel him a lot but not much now." August looked at me worried. I began to worry myself. I didn't want anything to happen to our baby. The doctor came back in the room with a nurse. "Ok, Nina sorry it took so long but I wanna speak with you. Before the doctor could finish, August got up to go to the restroom. "Ok, you can speak now. Whatever you gotta say, I can say to him."

"I'm very concerned with the baby, and I wanna proceed with a sonogram immediately." said the doctor. He looked at the nurse as she began fidgeting with her hands. "Do you think something is wrong with the baby?" I asked him as I stood holding my stomach.

"Yes. I've had a case similar to this, and  wanted to avoid this."

The nurse helped me up and sat me into the wheelchair. I texted August to let him know I went downstairs to the car. I didn't want him to know anything right now. I also texted my mom to alert her of the situation, an to let her know to be on stand by.

Mom, they're taking me back now. I'm worried about my baby. I really am.

I know you are baby, but is August around? And are y'all back on good terms, don't fuck this up Nina.

I couldn't believe this bitch. I slammed my phone into my lap and began tearing up. She had no concern about her grandson, just worrying about using him as a pay check. The nurse pushed me into the room and helped me off. "Oh, is your husband coming?' she asked. I shook my head no and she proceeded to leave until the doctor came in. A few minutes went by and the doctor and nurse both came back in. I raised my shirt so that he could apply the gel to my stomach. He began rubbing across my stomach looking for a heart beat. He talked the whole way through trying to calm my nerves but that didn't work.

After a while of searching for a heart beat, he stopped and looked up at the nurse. "Um, Nina, I want to admit you into the hospital immediately. Do you know where your husband is? Or can you call him? I want to induce your labor immediately.

Before I could even call August, he came storming into the room."Nina I was looking for you." he yelled hysterically. I couldn't gather the words to tell him what was happening because my voice begin to crack from crying. So the nurse informed him on everything as she got me into the wheelchair and we went from there. While in the elevator, August rubbed my back and shoulders to comfort me. "We gonna get through this, lil man just might come a little early but he's gonna be ok." He reassured. I began to cry even more. The guilt started to come in. Why was I lying to this man? For my own selfish reasons. I didn't have it in me to come clean, it's far too late now. And besides, I know deep down August belongs with me.

We got off the elevator and stopped at the desk while the nurse went to grab her clip board to write down my information. Another nurse came around and pushed me to my room. She handed me my hospital gown and August helped me into the bathroom to change. Everything was moving so quickly. Before I knew it, I was in bed with IV and the doctor was giving me the medicine to jump start everything.

"Okay Nina, thats gonna make you start feeling contractions. I will have a nurse in and out checking on you and monitoring the baby." he said. I shook and said ok. August was on the phone making calls to everyone letting them know everything. He even called my mama, which I was pissed about. I didn't want her around me at all. But of course i couldn't tell him why so I just shrugged it off. I laid and rubbed my stomach. I just wanted to get through this safely with a healthy baby.

Why am I going through this?  I thought.


Does Nina deserve this? Is this her karma coming back?

Will the baby survive?


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