Myth and Legend

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In my opinion, it's a very vague title, but that's good cause we don't really have a plan for this shit.

Just go with the flow and whatnot.

Lex is in charge off all editing cause I don't give a shit and nor do I 'edit' as it's not a concept I believe in so you can blame her for anything you don't like.

Hey now, that's not nice!  Don't come in with high expectations ... I'm not a huge 'edit' person either.  But whatever. ~Lex

Basically I just like talking about things that aren't real....that's literally it - my entire motivation for doing anything on this website...

Let me know what you think and share any myths or legends that you might know/like.

Nafisa x

I was originally going to write a decently professional intro, but then Nafisa decided to rain on my parade because apparently I 'make it sound better than it is' and she 'faps over mythology' or something along those lines. 

So yeah,


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