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Today me and  IIYashviII were talking and we were thinking about what would happen if one day we woke up to find out our whole life was a dream. What would you do then? Would you feel awkward? Comment below and tell me what you would do if you woke up as a little kid and just dreamt the whole of your life!

Personally, I would be quite happy as even though I have made many achievements, it would be nice to start a fresh and forget everything that has happened in the past. All the tears, all the pain, all the heart break- everything. Wouldn't that be great? Preventing all the stupid things you have done from happening?But I would be disappointed because for some things I have worked my socks off and it would just be a waste. Anyway, that's just my opinion. Comment below and tell me what you think you would do if you found out your whole life was a dream!

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