REAL ways to revise

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I know what you are thinking, I haven't been active at all and all of a sudden I'm updating? Didn't I say I was going to be inactive? Lol yes I did but who cares I finally have some free time 😎

My unicornlicious friend diksha2002  just wrote a chapter about exams in her blog and it was supercalifrajalisticexpealadocious so make sure you go and read it. One of the questions she asked was any good ways to revise. So I decided to write a chapter about it 😊

Honestly, these aren't cute tumblr ways these are REAL revision techniques that aren't cute and pretty.

1) Pneumonics (is that even how you spell it)
A pneumonic is when you make up random words for order of other words. That won't really make any sense rn but trust me it will. Say you needed to memorise the colours of the rainbow...
Richard (red)
Of (orange)
York (yellow)
Gave (green)
Battle (blue)
In (indigo)
Vain (violet)

So that way, you can remember anything. Like maybe the order or the planets from the sun. Or the mass density volume formula triangle. Just make it as stupid and as silly as possible and trust me you will remember it. Here's mine for the 7 essential nutrients 😌

Corrupt (carbohydrates)
Weird (water)
Fat (fat)
People (protein)
Fart (fibre)
Very (vitamins)
Much (minerals)

Don't even ask okay 😂😂

I think these are really helpful and they always help me remember long things.

2) Phone
Okay I'm sure this is an issue most of us can relate to. I get distracted and procrastinate ALL the time. And it's not a very good habit at all. It's usually my phone but for some other people it might be their iPads or laptops. The best way to revise without going on your gadgets is leave them downstairs with your parents.

I know some people leave them somewhere else in the room but tbh as soon as I hear that someone has texted me I feel like I need to look at my phone. So don't do that because that will waste a lot of time.

Use your phone to your advantage. Say every 2 hours you revise or every 4 pages you write, get 10 minutes on your phone and your parents have to know when you start these 10 mins or you won't get off your phone. You and I both know that 😂😂😆

3) Revising with friends

Honestly, I love revising with friends but can I be honest....this is not a good idea at all. Like whenever I revise with anyone I just can't focus because I end up talking about something irrelevant. I'm not saying be rude to your friends and in not saying my friends are horrible and distract me.. It's just that even though I love being with my friends I really can't concentrate like that 😂

Anyone that knows me actually knows what a short attention span I have

3) Past papers
This might not be very good if you are doing your finals like me but if you are doing any other exams look up the past papers and I'm sure you'll find a common thread or question between the questions.

4) Colour
I'm quite a visual learner so I like to colour code my notes. That way I remember in the test like what colour something it was then I remember the word. Anyone know what I mean? It's scientifically proven that the colours actually help your brain to remember what you need to.

5) YouTube
Leading me perfectly well onto my next thingy  😂
There's a really good YouTube channel called 'Crash course' and it's really good with science stuff and I think it does history too. Theres 'in a nutshell' which is great for history but my personal favourite is 'horrible histories' haha go check that out its awesome 😆✌🏻️

6) Neatness
This is actually quite important because I did this last year for my finals and it wasted a load of time. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT spend ages and ages decorating your notes. If you have a revision folder, don't be stupid like me and take the time to put every single page in a plastic wallet. JUST NO.

7) Walk around
Idk why but this works but whenever I'm trying to memorise something word for word like a shloka for dance or a poem for assembly I walk around and say it, I feel like that really helps..anyone else relate? If you're having trouble memorising something word for word then try that, it might work for you.

8) Extra information
Now I'm not asking you to research all of rocket science but sometimes if you don't understand the topic. Learn lots of stuff to do with that topic. Like say if you were learning about how anti biotics work, maybe to some extra research into the topic like what is an anti biotic made of? What are the pros and cons? Or something like that, it helps to have a background information of the topic.

9) Take breaks
Take 5 minute breaks every half an hour or every 2 hours. Don't have an unbalanced break/work schedule like 5 minutes of work and 1 hour of break 😂. I know a lot of people do this and  I admit I've done this before lolz so don't do it 😂😂

10) Don't stress
Now this is really hypocritical coming from me as if you see me before a test I look like I'm going to die 😂😂✌🏻️. Also don't hang around panicky friends as they will also make you feel panicked. Take a deep breath, it's only one test.


Wow well done Vidisha, give every one revision tips AFTER final exams are over. Applause for me 😆😆

Anyway, if you haven't done your finals yet or you are doing any other exams or just doing any work. GOOD LUCK KIDDO! Lolz your gonna rock it

Sorry for not updating, I had my final exams and now I'm half active..ish I have my bharatanatyam exam on the 15th of June AGH!!

But yea, have an awesome day :)

If you liked this chapter, comment below, fill up that yellow star right there ↙️⭐️ and follow me if you enjoy reading this stuff. Comment any other chapter suggestions.

I'll do Q&A next, oh god I've said that for the last 26728119 chapters so if you have any questions post them below. 💖

Bye potatoes 🐨

On My Mind-My bio/blogOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora