Chapter 3

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I didn't dream, I didn't know how long I'd been sleeping but I knew that I needed to sleep more. All the crying had made me exhausted. I peeled my eyelids open because my body had needs that I couldn't deny. Around me were Harry, Hermione, Ron and the twins. Cedric had left and I couldn't have blamed him. They were all awake and attentive when my eyes had opened, I wondered if they knew.

"Raven... our grandparents," Harry breathed. He knew. Refusing to go back to my catatonic or my erratic behavior, I took a few deep breaths and blinked back the tears.

"I know, I am so sorry that you never got to know them," I breathed, my voice hoarse. I looked at everyone else.

"How long have you been here?" I asked, sitting up.

"A few hours, we had to wait for Snape to leave," Fred answered.

"Snape? Why?" I asked, they all looked at one another.

"Because he was standing over you like a hawk, we didn't want to chance getting a detention or something," Ron answered.

"That's odd, well as you can see I am quite alright, I just really need to use a bathroom." Sliding my legs over to the side of the bed where no was, I pushed myself off and went to the bathroom that Madam Pomfrey kept.

Once the door closed the need to pretend shifted and the heavy despair took place. No tears came but I felt grateful for it but I knew that it would be a long long time for me to move on.

When I came out of the bathroom Ron, Hermione and Fred all left, with just Harry and George at the side of my bed. Half way back to the bed Madam Pomfrey entered the wing and glanced at me with sorrowful eyes.

"How are you feeling Miss Evans?" she asked.

"Exhausted," I replied simply, Madam Pomfrey gave me a knowing look before moving on to her next patient. I sat on the edge of my bed, unsure of getting comfortable or not.

"I expect you are Miss Evans. I'm going to have you stay here overnight and in the morning I'm having an old friend of mine come and speak to you about your mental status," she continued the conversation once she caught up with her other patients.

"You mean like - like a shrink?" I asked, my voice faltering.

"If that's what muggles call it, then yes. After he goes through his analysis we'll decide what to do from there," she concluded. "Now get back in the bed and get comfortable," Madam Pomfrey instructed.

Obeying her, I stood up to remove the covers, took off my shoes and got under the blankets. My eyes wandered over to Harry and George who hadn't said anything.

"Thanks for being here you guys, but you don't have to stay I'm probably just going to take a nap." The two boys looked at each other then back at me.

"Fred's going to class for me so I can have all the notes and assignments. I'd rather stay here," George piped up.

"Y-Yeah same with me but Hermione's doing the notes," Harry smiled. My heart broke for me and the best I could offer was a forlorn kind of grin.

"Harry I am so sorry," I sighed.

"I-I made the quidditch team Raven," Harry's voice went up to a chipper tone and a smile spread across my lips.

"That's great Harry! You must the youngest quidditch player in - in -"

"The century - at least that's what McGonagall says," he finished, I continued to smile.

"Well that's great, I'll definitely come to all of your games," my voice felt detached to how I was really feeling but it seemed to make Harry feel better so I wouldn't change it. Gran always said to fake it until you've made it, so that's what I would do.

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