Chapter 7

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       The First Task:

I walked into the Great Hall with the intense feeling of anxiety for today. The first task Cedric and the others were to participate in started today. They were all to battle a dragon of some sort. I was worried for Cedric but I also had more confidence in him than I did in Harry even though he had overcome lots of things in three years, the dragon was bigger than any dementor or Basilisk he's had to face in the past. I spotted Harry at the Gryffindor table with his friends and I decided to wish him luck before it was too late. Walking over to Harry I rested my hand his shoulder then waited for him to turn around.

"Good luck today Harry, remember to concentrate and just focus on battling the dragon and you'll be perfectly fine," my voice felt a little shaky as I spoke but I got my point across. Harry smiled weakly at me as he shook his head for gratitude. "Morning, Hermione, where's Ron? Doesn't he usually sit next to you guys?" I asked, changing the subject. Hermione looked at the empty seat next to her and nodded.

"Ron's a bit jealous of Harry so they aren't speaking to one another," she answered. I frowned a little bit, I thought that Ron was going to be with Harry through thick and thin.

"I'm sorry and if it's any consent, Harry, if you need to anyone to talk to then I'm here no matter what the other Hufflepuffs say," I assured him, rubbing his back.

"Thanks, that means a lot," Harry responded, in his normal unamused voice. I smiled back at him and nodded happily with just little bit of sorrow lingering behind it. Hearing my name being called by Cedric I wished Harry good luck again and left him to meet up with Cedric.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, partly serious partly happy. Cedric nodded, not really knowing how to answer my question in serious or happy way.

"Um I'm ready that's for sure, I've got a plan and everything," assured Cedric. I bit down on my bottom lip trying to look convinced and happy for him but I couldn't help worrying.

"Better eat your breakfast, you're going to really need your strength today," I ushered Cedric. We both sat down and started to eat the food on our plates but three bites into a cinnamon-sugar bagel and I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I sat the bagel back onto the plate then pushed it back, the very sight and smell of the food made me feel nauseated.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you eating?" asked Cedric, his mouth full of disgusting food; I shrugged and shook my head as a response.

"Just not hungry, that's all," I retorted back to him, not making full eye contact.

"You should still eat something," Cedric stated, after swallowing down the food he had been chewing. I peered back at my plate, sneered at it then shook my head again. Cedric sighed loudly, "I didn't want to do this but you you should know that two can play at this game." Cedric put down his fork and pushed his plate back leveling it with mine; my eyes widened in a puzzled manner.

"No, Ced, you have to eat you're battling a dragon today - I'm only watching you do it," I argued.

"You need your strength too, just because you aren't battling a dragon doesn't mean that you shouldn't eat and if you aren't going to eat then I won't either," Cedric stated stubbornly.

"You're really going to act like this?" I asked. Cedric nodded his head, I knew that he wouldn't eat unless I did so I pulled my plate back feeling the weight of defeat coming down on me with every bite I took. I forced every swallow and pushed the vomit down. Soon we all evacuated to the arena where the four champions would face their task.

I held Cedric's hand as tight as possible until he had to go to the champions' tent and even then I didn't feel ready to let go just yet. Cedric started to head towards the tent but my hand kept him from going forward, he looked back at his hand my hand felt glued to his. Cedric gazed at my face with concern. He came closer to me and I felt like my hidden fear was about to surface.

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