Chapter Twenty two

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Raven's POV

                Everyday seemed like the same, I would wake up have no will to leave my bed so I turned the other side and ignore the busy world below me. During the first week I wouldn't eat, and everyone left me alone for a the first few days of that week but Molly began trying to coax me out of my bed to eat but I would shake my head  and watch her leave in sadness. George sent me letters but I couldn't read them. Towards the end of the month I had started to read and even reply George's letters, Molly had enough of my grieving and forced me to eat something or threaten to spoon feed me. One day I had gotten dressed and stumbled downstairs where the Order was having a meeting and I had interrupted.

"I'm – I'm sorry I didn't mean -  I'll just leave," I told them quietly but Mr. Weasley had stood from the table.

"No, Raven I'm glad you've come down, this meeting concerns you as well I think you should join us. Molly would you please get Raven a chair." Molly stood up and quickly got me a chair, with a smile on her face.

"It's nice to see you," she commented with a smile and a rub on the back. I attempted to smile back but it turned out weak.

"Anyway, we need to move Harry this week or it'll never get done," Mad eye insisted with a growl in his chest.

"No, I think we need to be patient and wait until next week so that he can protect himself from the Death Eaters," Lupin argued, leaning forward on the table. I didn't know what think about anything that had been going on. They bickered about who was going to have the closest prediction when the Death Eaters are going to attack him. In my mind they were going to attack no matter what week they brought Harry.

"What do you think Raven?" Mr. Weasley piped up. My head perked up at the mention of my name.

"Honestly, I think we should do it as soon as possible. The Death Eaters are going to be coming after him no matter what week we decide to move him," I pointed out softly. My throat had been so dry from the lack of talking and drinking. 

"She's got a point, the Death Eaters will be waiting no matter what. I'll send Harry an owl," Remus stood up from the table to fetch his owl and everyone else stood from their chair to stretch I stayed sitting, I had no will to move. 

         Almost two hours later, there was a knock on the door. Everybody tensed up and held their breath as Mr. Weasley went to the front door and mumbled something in the crack of the door. Something was whispered back and then Mr. Weasley thrust open the door and gathered his two sons in the door way. A wave of sighs went throughout the room as Mr. Weasley brought in Fred and George Weasley. Now I stood up from my chair wanting so desperately to hold George in my arms but I remembered that I wasn't the only one who had missed him so I let his family go first – as always and waited patiently for George to be reunited with his family. Then he finally saw me and I smiled, a real smile a small one but still there. George came and immediately gathered me in his arms, a pressed his lips onto mine in one quick peck. A warmth that I hadn't been able to feel all summer sparked in the pit of my broken heart. It felt like the same spark when George and I shared our first kiss in the rain back at Hogwarts. The warmth had been a nostalgic feeling but a feeling I treasured nonetheless. George and I just held each other after that, people were still talking around us but the only sound I heard was the beating of George's heart, which made my entire world go quiet.

"I'm so happy you're safe," I told him softly.

"I'll always be able to come back to you – no matter what," he swore, his hands making small circles on my back.

"George, we're going to get Harry tomorrow and we need you and Fred to ride with us are you up for that?" Molly asked him. George looked back down to me then to his mother and nodded.

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