Chapter 16

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   I walked towards the rock, feeling better, still grieving but I wouldn't show it – not even to George. About a hundred feet away I spotted George pacing back and forth, this worried me. I didn't know if he was going to tell me if he found someone new or if he was going to apologize again but all I knew was that I had to speak first. I crouched close to the ground so I would be out of view and I started to run. I hid behind the rock, took out my wand muttered a funny hex then stealthily pointed the wand at him. I watched the magic unravel until he spotted me.

"What are you doing on the ground?" George asked, one eyebrow higher than the other. I stood up, dropped the hex then shook my head.

"I thought I could surprise you but you've caught me," I confessed, standing from the ground. My chest squeezed in on itself with the awkwardness hanging in the air.

"Look, I've been thinking a lot about what I did and how unfair that was to the both of us –"I knew where this was heading. I had to cut him off before he continued.

"George, before you say anything I want to say something," I paused. "While I was at Sirius's house, I told him everything that has happened and how I was feeling about Cedric and how I was feeling about you. He put me under a sleeping spell thinking I just needed a good sleep and he was probably annoyed by my ranting but that's not the point. While I was sleeping Cedric came to me in a dream and he begged me to move on and he talked about you - or my subconscious did - anyway he told me that the reason he died was because his real soulmate died so fate took him and he told me all these other things but before that your mother appeared in my dream and – and the bottom line is that I need someone to help me heal and you said you hoped you were the one that I wanted and George I want to try, if you're willing to try." I spoke quickly, getting it all out in one breath.Once I finished my speech, my lungs begged for relief but I held the air inside of me for his response. George's face stood blank for a moment, he blinked a few times then his eyebrows pushed towards the center of his forehead.

"Are you trying to be funny?" he demanded.

"No, what's funny? I don't think anything is funny right now," I defended, folding my arms across my chest.

"You had to have a dream in order to realize that I'm the one for you?" he challenged, not enthused. Taken aback, I lightly shook my head, trying to route my brain to the best response I could give him.

"Yes, because I'm stupid and thick headed - like my father. How did it happen with you?" I asked, defending myself while genuinely curious. George looked away for a moment then stared at me square in the face.

"All I had to do was pull a few pranks with you and Fred and I knew that you were the one for me but things have changed... I think I've found someone else." My jaw dropped slightly, shocked to be hearing this but I closed it quickly in order to maintain my calm.

I couldn't believe how stupid I had been to actually think that I could depend on a dream to find my happiness and how could I actually think that George would wait for me after everything I put him through. A tiny small voice in the back of my mind didn't believe him. Truthfully, I didn't want to believe him so I did the only thing I could think of to make a hundred percent sure. Stripping my ring off of my hand I shoved it onto George's, not taking my eyes off of him for a second.

"Ask your heart if you've honestly found someone else. If you have, I'll forget I said anything and we can just go back to being friends but I need to see what your heart says first," I pleaded. I looked at George's face and saw the seriousness in his eyes, it almost made him look like a stranger to me but I would be lying if I said I didn't find the serious side of George Weasley just as beautiful as the funny side.

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