A litt weekend pt. 1

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Julian's POV

**yawns** I was about to sit up when I noticed that Alexis was sound asleep on my stomach. I rub the back of her head, and she woke up and stretched out her legs and sat up as did I.

I kissed her cheek and said, "Good morning my princess." She smiled and said "Good morning my prince"

We got up and did our hygiene stuff, put on our matching couples out fits that we go yesterday and came back down she went to go get breakfast. I just sat back on the couch, soon I drifted back to sleep.

Alexis' POV

I come back from getting breakfast and as I set down the food and I hear 3 different types of snores. So I walk into the living room and see Julian knocked out once again. I wake up Langston and Day Day and told the that I got some breakfast for us. They immediately got up and went to the kitchen. I went up to Julian and sat in his lap.

I repeatedly said, "Babe. babe. babe. babe. babe. babe. babe. babe. babe. babe. babe!

He didn't move a muscle so I started messing with his hat and his chains.

Still no response. I kissed him. He flinched but continued snoring. Hmm how could I make him wake up? Oh I know...

I started playing with his earrings and he high key hates when people touch his ears!

He slapped my hand with his eyes still closed and I whined at the pain, "Oooww... Babe wth?!"

He popped his eyes open as he recognized my voice he hugged me, " Babe I'm soooooo sorry! I didn't know it was you!" He grabbed my hand the had a red mark on it. "Are you okay princess?"

I snatched my hand away, crossed my arms and pouted.

He cupped my cheeks with his hands and said, "C'mon don't do this babe it was an accident."

I giggle, " fine but I'm only forgiving you because you are so gosh darn cute."

He says, " Awe don't make me blush girl" l bust up laughing.

"I got break---" before I could finish my sentence he pushed me off him and ran to the kitchen."---fast for us." Whata doof I say laughing.

I walk into the kitchen to see the boys stuffing there faces.

"So what's the move for today?" Day Day asks between chews.

"How about the mall?" I ask. They put their thumbs up showing they agree.

"Alright well car leaves in 30 minutes!" I say walking away they get up wash their plates and run upstairs to do there hygiene stuff and I guess before they came here last night they stopped at Langston and Day Day's house to get there clothes.

After they all get down I get my keys and phone and hop in the car.

Day day decides to drive because he was the only one who hadn't driven us somewhere yet.

We pull up to the mall and We walk in Julian's side hugging me as we're walking.

We walk into Champs but then Julian stops and just stares down this employee, his shirt said "Tyler" (Tyler in mm) Tyler came over and said to Julian," Was good bro? You starin' harder than this right hook I be packing!"

Julian fake laughed and said, "I'm just chilling over here, so how your bro Lucas?"

Tyler began to look furious. Julian continued, " I would kill that Boi Lucas if I got the chance." Julian gave an evil look.

Tyler swung at Julian but I grabbed Julian pulled a gun out his pants, I tried to hold him back but he was too strong for me so I yelled for Day Day and Lang, so they ran over and Day KOed Tyler with one punch.

Then Lang and me pushed Julian out of Champs.

I asked, "Julian what was all that about?! Why do you have a GUN?!!

Julian's POV

When Alexis asked why I have a gun I debated on whether to tell her the real reason.

I stood there with my head down for a while, till I felt her hands on my chin.

"Babe just tell me.." She said in a calm voice while lifting my head.

I said looking at deep in her eyes, " After that day when Lucas snuck into your house, I have been thinking that what if Langston wasn't there to shoot him? What if Lucas shot you? What if he shot us both?! What if he would have snuck in again and abused you?!?"

She cupped my cheeks, " Baby! Calm down. It's okay! Thank goodness he was there so that we wouldn't have to deal with those "what if's". Julian I love you and if it makes you feel better... I do feel safe around you with or without the gun."

"I love you too Alexis" I kissed her.

What she said did make me feel better, all I ever wanted was to make her feel safe and protected, and it makes me feel good to think that I finally accomplished that...


Do you think that Julian getting a gun is good or bad??

Do you think Julian shouldn't have said what he did to Tyler?

Should I continue?

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