2: In Which She Breaks Her Promise (Sort Of)

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2: In Which She Breaks Her Promise (Sort Of)


"What exactly is my job description?"

Bates looked up from the gloomy destruction of what had been good furniture in the living room, a pained look on her haggard face. "Excuse me?" She'd had that same expression painted on her face for the past week. She just looked like she'd been sucking lemons.

"I'm taking care of Ophelia, right? Babysitting, child-minding, caring – whatever you call it," I said in a rush, ignoring the bored look that crossed her face. "It's just that...well, I think she needs therapy."

"Therapy?" Bates snorted, placing a hand on a barely-there hip. "Miss Harding, do you suddenly possess a PhD?"

"No," I said, matching her sarcastic tone, "but I do have eyes. It's as if everyone else in this house doesn't – you, included. She's just a child, but I can't even begin to understand what's forced her to become such a little adult."

"Miss Harding, I've got bigger things to worry about than a mature little girl," said Bates, stepping aside to allow the cleaning crew – wheelbarrows and all – into the room. "Like how fast I can replace an entire room before Devin realises. Oh, and how long I can continue to dodge his money-grabbing agent. And did I forget to add that I have to replace this whole room today?" She turned to watch all six men get to work picking up shards of glass, splinters of wood and ripped settees.

I scowled at her. "I would have thought the wellbeing of Devin Shaw's only child would be at the top of your list of priorities, but I clearly must have been delusional."

Bates waved a dismissive hand.

"Ma'am, is there anything in particular you'd like us to do with all this debris?" a portly bald-headed man asked, holding up the leg of a chair.

"Eat it, for all I care," Bates muttered, and the man gave her a puzzled look before shrugging and tossing the leg into a wheelbarrow.

"What happened here, anyway?" I asked no one in particular, properly surveying what used to be the gorgeous living room. Even the flat screen on the wall hadn't escape the damage – a big hole was proudly displayed in its centre.

"Devin happened," Bates replied, sighing heavily. "Devin happened."


 "Checkmate," Ophelia announced proudly.

"What?" I fixed my gaze on my king and sure enough, the poor guy was cornered by Ophelia's queen and bishop. "Oh. Nice one."

Ophelia looked across the new coffee table at me, pouting. "This is the third time, Rory. Maybe you should stick to fairytales."

I rolled my eyes at the cheek of this child, adjusting the cushion beneath my bottom. "Of course."

Truthfully, I wasn't even concentrating. Chess was one of my favourite pastimes and sure, Ophelia was a surprisingly calculating adversary, but I had never been beaten so severely before.

Maybe that had something to do with Devin sitting a few feet away from me.

It wasn't that he was looking at me. Hell, he probably thought Ophelia was playing with Casper the Friendly Ghost for all the attention I got. Instead, he was reading the newspaper. According to Ophelia's whispered utterances, that paper was two years old.

Despite that little piece of strangeness, the thing that was completely unsettling was that I had seen him utterly and completely butt-naked, and he was acting like it had never happened.

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