10: In Which She Closes a Chapter

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10: In Which She Closes a Chapter


I rolled over and hit what my sleep-addled brain deciphered as a brick wall behind me.

God, he smells good, I thought, now fully awake and taking a few blessed seconds to examine a sleeping Devin.

This was the first ever time I'd woken up before him; the first time I'd managed to sneak a peek at him while he was dead to the world. I had totally been missing out.

Asleep, his face was way more relaxed and striking. The long lashes of his closed eyes kissed his cheek and the full curves of his lips were slightly parted, releasing a barely audible snore. Five o'clock shadow peppered his angular jaw, giving him the rugged look that often made me want to jump his bones. Like now.

The covers were draped over him as far as his waist so I got a good eyeful of beautiful, tan, Devin skin – tempting Devin skin. He looked even sexier asleep.

Dammit, I hated being in love. It gave me super X-ray vision that made me notice super cheesy things I had no business noticing. At all.

I debated what to do: Wake him up the way he usually woke me – which was with his fingers then his còck – or slip out of bed and take a shower. Most of my nights, as painful as this was, were spent in Devin's bed. I didn't know how that had happened, except that he couldn't keep his hands off me and didn't mind PDA, much to Bates' poorly hidden chagrin. He'd decided that his king-sized bed was big enough for the both of us and didn't care who knew he was sharing it with me. I wasn't too sure about Fee. Her knowing that I had "sleepovers" with her father definitely made me rueful.

Escaping this bed, it is, I decided, carefully sliding out from under the covers and standing up. My robe was in a heap on the floor and I shrugged it on before heading to the bathroom. If I thought I loved my bathroom, Devin's bathroom and I were in a committed relationship. The tiles were onyx marble and the tub was a round Jacuzzi-like bowl smack-bang in the centre of the room. Sex in it was out of this world. In fact, I thought about how Devin had screwed my brains out in it last night and I made a weak attempt at stifling the tug of desire in my belly.

He was insatiable. I was insatiable – but only for him, I recognised. I didn't know what Devin's sex life had been like before me but such spontaneous, frequent sex was unusual for me. I had had a very healthy libido but hadn't been as active as I was right now with Dev.

Love certainly made me horny. It also made me lose my appetite.

Biting my lip, I stepped into the shower stall – a glass box with a marble seat inside – and flipped on the hot water. I made it a point to shower as quickly as possible, before Dev could wake up and fúck me.

I got out, steam misting the bathroom, and grabbed the nearest towel, wrapping it around me and tucking it under my armpits as I walked to the sink. I brushed my teeth in a hurry before returning to the bedroom – and to an empty bed.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Each time I was with that man, a new wound was torn open. It was a beautiful kind of hurt. Just looking at him was enough to bring me close to tears. It was like being in the presence of something you really wanted badly but knew you could never have because it was just too bloody unattainable to mere mortals like you.

I sat on the edge of the bed, collecting my thoughts. Devin's scent hung heavy in the air, scrambling anything sensible floating in my head. I had to put a stop to this – whatever this was between us – before it was too late.

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