8: In Which She Hears it From the Boss' Mouth

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8: In Which She Hears it From the Boss' Mouth


 Over the next few weeks, ignoring Natalya became an art I'd quickly perfected. Still, avoiding an attention-seeker of such massive proportions was like avoiding a cold – nearly impossible.

Every once in a while on a whim, she'd indulge Ophelia and take her out. Shopping was her favourite pastime and I didn't doubt for a second that she was using Devin's MasterCard. I didn't bother to wonder why he kept her around anymore; I was over it.

Maybe that had something to do with the fact that after catching a glimpse of Devin's alcoholic past, I had finally decided that there was nothing wrong with lusting after him. We were consenting adults and it wasn't exactly conflicting with my job. He was still a mystery, granted, but he was as imperfectly human as I was – and that was enough to make me think that he could be saved.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him, in the middle of sorting out my dirty laundry. I wasn't comfortable with Maxine – the forty-something-year-old woman that came in every two days – doing it for me. Devin catching me in the middle of that warranted cause for wariness.

He purposefully marched into my bedroom, slamming the door behind him as an afterthought, and for a second, I wondered if there was something wrong with Ophelia. I hadn't made much headway in bringing father and daughter closer but just last week, he'd tentatively accepted an offer of a game of chess with her.

But all notions of the girl flew out the window when Devin pulled me to him and pressed his lips against mine. I felt myself instantly get lost in that kiss; get lost in the wave of emotion that overwhelmed me by the assault of his lips.

Wordlessly, he scooped me into his arms and lay me on the bed.

"Where's this coming from?" I exhaled, writhing to help him unbutton my shirt. From the look in his eyes, he appreciated my decision to go braless today. So did my nipples.

"Don't speak," he said, his voice so soft I barely heard it.

My jeans came off next and my knickers followed shortly after. Naked, I felt like a feast on the table and, as Devin spread my legs apart, I realised that this was going to be rough and that I was going to like it.

He unzipped the fly of his jeans and got onto his knees between my legs. And just like that, he was inside me. I let out a cry of surprise, all the while wondering if I was ready for this. It was so abrupt, so vicious; so animal. I wanted to loop my arms around him but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them over my head. Powerless, all I could do was lie there as he moved on top of me, filling me up completely.

My skin burned where he touched me – but there was a smouldering flame between my thighs as well from where he was inside me. Pain or pleasure – whatever it was – I wanted it to consume me from the inside out. It didn't matter that I was ablaze with fiery arousal; all that mattered was that it was Devin Shaw inflicting such sweet torture to me.

He punctuated each thrust with a soft grunt in his throat that made me come apart at the seams and every thrust was so, so deep and forceful and urgent. He possessed every inch of me as his grip around my wrists tightened, threatening to leave marks. I arched my back, taking all of him; needing more and more of him as the minutes rolled by and he took me in the most savage way.

"Don't...stop," I gasped, squeezing my eyes shut as I felt it – my orgasm – beckoning to me from the edge of a cliff. Did I mean "Don't"? Did I mean "Stop"? I didn't pause to consider that, especially once he rained sweet kisses down on the erogenous spots on my neck and finally succeeded in pushing me over that cliff.

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