Chapter 8

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" The hell?" I heard a very stern voice said, which made me jump up..

Causing someone to fall out of the bed with a slight screen..

My vision became clearer, it was my Dad.. He looked surprised or some shit..

" Umm, we'll talk after, you call this young lady a cab driver, mister," he said closing the door..

I nodded and looked over on the floor at an angry Delilah...

" Morning," I said smiling.

She frowned even more, "Seriously?" She said rubbing her forehead..

I helped her up and sat her onside of me..

" I'm really sorry, it's just an .. Habit,"

" Yeah an habit alright," she said rolling her eyes.

" So what happened last night," I asked her, rubbing the back of my neck..

" Let's just say, you didn't end up to well at the end of the night and I never want to see you like that again," she said nodding.

" Ohh," I said , looking like 😁, "Thanks, I appreciate it," I said kissing her hand..

" Well I better get going before my dad notices I'm gone," she said jumping up..

" I'll walk you out," I said.

" Alrighty then,"

We walked out and Delilah was kinda scared to but of course she had too..

My dad was standing in the living room..

" Mr. Mckibben, " she waved before walking out to her cab.

" Nice seeing ya Delilah," he waved goodbye..

" I'll text ya later D," I said before she walked out..

As she left out, my dad turned to me with that concerned look.

" Matthew Mckibben, please tell me you didn't have sex with that girl, and if you did, did you use condoms, and was it good, hell it had to be, she's black.." He kept going and going...

" Dad.. Dad.. DAD! No, Delilah is my bestfriend and you know she wouldn't go that far, " I said.

He nodded, " Good , let's just keep this between us, shall we?"

" Yes sir, where's mom?"

" She's in a meeting at the school board, you lucky it was me and not her,"

" Always, work before anything else ,but yeah I wish it was her kinda," I said going to the kitchen..


The cab dropped me off by my dads and his car was home, I wasn't even brave enough to climb up to my window , so I just decided to walk through the front door and take my lick...

I walked in and there was Taya sitting there...

I gave a fake smile, " Morning,"

" Sit down Delilah," she said.

" Okayy, " I said, blinking.

She looked at me, trying to get in Mother Mode..😂

" Delilah, I've been trying to be your friend and help up for you and what not, but I can't continue, this.. I covered for you last night , when you snuck out but I can't do it anymore, it's time for me to step up and be a stepmother,"

I giggled, and nodded, " Yes, that's exactly what I've been waiting to hear, " I said sarcastically..

" Okay we're on good terms," she asked smiling.

" Yeah ofcourse," I stood up.

She hugged me, " I love you Delilah, and now we can do my mother , daughter things, "

I nodded, " Yeah sure, but I'm going to my room now, btw thank you,"

Even though I hated her, I had to admit I'm happy she stuck up for me... That would've been my behind!



Short chapter!

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