Chapter Ten

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Winston kind of accepted his defeat, as he waited in the hospital's uncomfortable chairs on some sort of information as to what they did with Delilah.

"Would you calm down?" Paris casually picked at her fingernails. "She's a tough cookie... Right?" She awkwardly asked.

Winston smiled, thinking about all the stuff Delilah and him have dealt with over the years, whether it was injury or stress. Winston knew how Delilah helped her friends, or just people in general through tough times. She was the one for the two AM I'm there for you conversations, and Winston saw the mess of emotion and exhaustion Del was the day after.

"Are you kidding? That girl could survive a blizzard on Hoth, no slaughtered Tauntaun needed." Winston answered proudly.

Paris laughed a little too hard, snorting from the amusement. She grew bright red as she received annoyed stares from the tired, grumpy New Yorkers around the waiting room. Winston just gave her one of his famous sarcastic arched eyebrow looks, still chuckling.

"I'm so sorry," Paris said, still a bit giggly.


Delilah groggily opened her eyes, pulling an oxygen mask off her face.

What the fucking hell?

The doctors had secured a neck brace on her throat, which hurt, but a neck brace? Really?

She reached for her phone on the bedside table. Blinding white walls enveloped Delilah, as she texted Winston.

Where the hell are you guys?

In waiting for a reply, she curiously picked up a clipboard from the table. The pages were mostly empty, other than a cause of injury "strangulation".

Fuck, she thought. We were never going to get away with that.

Suddenly, Delilah's phone vibrated as Winston called her, and she instantly answered.

"Hello? Winston?" She tried to grunt with the goddamned brace.

"Delilah? Where do they have you? What happened?"

"They've got me locked up. They know I was strangled. They'll be questioning me and trying to keep me here forever," Delilah explained frantically. "You gotta get me out of here."

"We'll find you," Paris was on the phone now. "We'll get there do you know where-" Paris was cut off as she heard a doctor in the background.

"Ma'am, you need to stay on oxygen, please lay back down."

"No, I'm fine," Delilah replied, as politely as possible. "Guys, I'm in room 114, hurry!" She informed her friends before hanging up the phone.

"Miss, we are going to have sedate you again." The doctor said in a deep voice as two nurses came up behind him.

"No. No. Please." It was too late, a nurse already poked another needle in the patient's arm, and the angel was out yet again.

Paris and Winston had sprinted down the hallway just in time to see her be sedated, hoisted back into bed, and given an oxygen mask. Delilah didn't look so healthy in a neck brace and hospital gown, Paris found herself wondering if they should break her out.

"Heaven help us," Winston muttered as he bolted down the hallway and past hospital rooms, closets, and several fake potted plants, and out of the building and into the little hustle bustle of the New York City streets, Paris right behind him.

Dawn was breaking, and the pair realized they had been at the hospital from ten PM to (according to Winston's phone) 6:03 in the morning.

Despite being deathly afraid of Tess's consequences at leaving their bunker, Winston dialed the psycho's number.

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