Isn't it tragic?

32 2 16

If you pay close attention to the quoted lyrics and figure out where in the song they are,, you'll figure out what's happeneng before it does. I'm soo sorryyyyy T_T


I was still in half my muddy suit when I woke up yet Pete was completely shirtless (Just how I like it). My mind replayed all of last night as I looked at Pete's sleeping face and I couldn't help but nuzzle into him closer. After I gave my first blow job it didn't stop there. Throughout the night, Pete had blown me again and I had him... Twice. Tonight was set to be way better though and after last night, I couldn't wait. It was eleven but court today wasn't until two in the afternoon so it was okay.

Pete was sleeping like a log. Probably because I blew him so much last night. I was able to climb out of bed and get changed. All I did was get undressed and put on booty shorts I knew Pete would like. Since it was reasonably close to lunch I was making a fairly big breakfast. A traditional english breakfast with all of the ingredients I had available. When I started cooking the bacon, I heard the bed creak and smiled to myself. I couldn't think how Pete was going to react at the view of me when he walked out the room. I had only just thought how Pete had made me more comfortable in my body. I had been a lot less self disgusted lately.

There was a pause after the door had opened and thinking that Pete was probably checking me out I swayed my hips just a little as I reached over for the eggs. I heard his footsteps as he approached me and my grin widened.

"Mmmm," He hummed as he came up behind me, slapping my ass as he did so. "What's cookin' good lookin'!" I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wound his arms around my back at waist height and I felt his hands fall over my ass as we kissed.

"Hey!" I squealed and went back to the oven with Pete now stood behind me. "English breakfast." I finally answered.

"You really are the perfect wife Patrick." He whispered into my ear while I could feel his hands running under the apron and down my sides, even pulling at my shorts. Luckily for him his food was nearly done.

"You're not supposed to still be horny Mr Wentz." I cooed as I sat down beside him.

"Oh shut up, you knew what you'd do to me looking like that." His hand ran up my thigh and I moaned a little. "I swear to god Patrick, I'd have you on your knees right now if it wasn't for tonight. But instead I'm saving it all up for your first time." He grabbed my head, pulled me towards him and kissed my cheek, leaving a large greasy spot there.

"I'm going to go get ready for this afternoon." I said and saw his food filled grin looking up at me. I laughed and as I walked away and just as I got to the door I heard a wolf whistle from the breakfast bar. I turned around rather sassily and saw Pete checking me out over his shoulder. After blowing him a kiss I finally went to get ready. He is so fucking me tonight...

Since we wrecked his suit last night, Pete had one of my newest spare ones I hadn't used yet. I was still fussing over the fresh pressed suit and tie when he held my hands still.

"What's wrong?" He whispered calmly and I allowed myself to fall into his chest.

"I'm scared Pete. I don't want you to go." He stroked the back of my head and whispered to me,

"It'll be okay, I can talk my way out of anything."

"Not this Pete." I whispered back looking up into his eyes. "Not this..." And our lips clashed for the last time before court.

They were making Pete stand at the witness box but not say anything. I had a horrible feeling of what was happening especially since Pete was too well dressed for the witness stand.

"May both sides of the case make their final stances," The judge boomed out in his usual monotone voice of boredom. Me and Pete looked straight at each other in horror. No... "Then it is up to the jury to make their final decision."

The defense was up first, leaving me enough time to break down. He couldn't, not yet. We still had another night together. This was supposed to be tomorrow. No... I can't lose him yet. I tried my hardest to stay strong whilst rounding up my points but I felt the hot tear slide down my face as I spoke. Pete's head was bowed and he was probably thinking similar things to me. I was sure my crying hadn't gone unnoticed as I spoke.

While the jury was discussing their decision, I was approached by Clark.

"Hey, Stump, what was that out there?" I looked around and noticed a couple of the higher, respected officers and lawyers watching out of the corners of their eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if they had put Clark up to this.

"It's the anniversary of my Mother's death today. I didn't know that we would be closing the case today. I thought it was going to be a calm day. I'm sorry, I just miss my Mom." He patted my back and smiled sympathetically. The watching eyes looked away, satisfied with my answer and I breathed out slowly.

"I'm sorry about that buddy. At least we won't have to deal with this anymore. Till the next one." And he left. No. If by 'deal with this' you you mean Pete, then definitely not. Pete means so much and I will never be done 'dealing' with him. Also, no more cases for me...

We were back in in no time, probably because it wasn't a very hard decision to make. My mind barely paid attention to anything that was being said. Everyone stood and my mind raced. The foreman read the verdict,

"In the above entitled actions we find the defendant guilty." As much as I knew from the beginning of this case that that would be the outcome, the word rung around my head, echoing endlessly.

"And the actions to be lead against Mr Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third are to be as followed. Death via his choice out of the three main options." All the breath left my lungs and I felt as if I was going to pass out. They could've chosen anything, anything! But they're taking my baby away from me. I finally brought up the courage to look over at Pete whose head was bowed further than any previous time as if he had already been hung. Baby boy can't lift his headached head, and I can't bear to lose him. I didn't want this. He could've been locked up or placed in an asylum and yet I feel as if I knew this would be the outcome the whole time.

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