Chapter 3

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-Mariska's POV-

As soon as me and Jacob both got out of the train, we started to head to the nearest Blighter settlement. 

"Race you there," Jacob said, pushing me to get a head start. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, often needing to dodge the random group of civillians, and on many occaisions, almost running into a carriage. To be quite honest, I had not the foggiest idea of where I was to go, meaning of course, I had to follow Jacob. I'm never going to hear the end of this, am I? 

As I slowed down, I could hear him laughing in the distance. As I walked ahead, I could see him leaning against a wall, still laughing his ass off. 

"In my defence, I had no idea where I was to go," I said, putting my hands up in defence

"Right. Come on then," Jacob agreed, starting to climb the building. I followed close behind, but not too close, from what I've seen, he's prone to.. accidents.

As I reached the top, he was already sat there, looking for the gang leader presumably. 

"How are we going to do this, may I ask?" I asked, not really expecting a plan

"Well, I was hoping we would charge in there and put up a fight," 

"Or, one of us cou- Jacob?!" I tried to finish my plan, but he was already down there, fighting three Blighters at once. I edged near the end of the building, and focused on one Blighter, ready to perform an air assassination. As the gang member stood still, waiting for an opening to attack Jacob, I jumped off the roof, to the now corpse littered ground. I landed on the Blighter's back, and plunged my blade into his neck, killing him instantly. I looked up and saw our target running away, like a coward, may I add. I looked up at Jacob, who had  just finished removing his blade from another target, and gave a nod in the gang leaders direction. We both shot off, pistols and blades ready. 

"It's no use us both chasing them on the ground love, go on the rooftops," Jacob said, looking to the left at me. I nodded and climbed the nearest building, still searching for the leader. 

After another minute of running, I finally had a vantage over the leader. I jumped from the roof, tackling the leader in his tracks. I made no hesitation in sticking my blade in his neck. I heard slow clapping, and as I turned my head, Jacob was there, offering me a hand.

"A job well done I say love," He said, pulling me up, both of us out of breath

"It would've been easier if you had listened  to my plan," I retorted, shaking his hand from mine

"Who has the time? I think this calls for a celebration, don't you? Come grab a drink with me, some Rooks will be there too," Jacob asked, gesturing in the direction of the pub

"What would Evie say, hmm?" I hesitated

"She wouldn't care, plus it's getting late,"  Jacob lied, moving his head in the direction of the starry sky

"Fine,"  I said, walking ahead.



god damn some drunk bants maybe??? (im never saying that again omg)

I still can't believe that David Bowie passed away, it's so sad;_;

don't forget to vote and comment *-*

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