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Clear as a sound of a single chant, it gets in my ears. They’re ordering me to stay away from Lawrence, who is my close friend, and Kevin, who I am starting to fall into.

            “Why them?”

            “No more questions, brat.” She says. “Once you get out of this place, just stay away from them. And also remember what I told you, that telling anyone about this will be pointless.”

            “But why?”

            “Just follow my orders, brat, or this incident may happen again, or worse…”

            I try to speak, but as my mouth is about to open…

            “Sssssh.” And I feel something hurts from my arm. I get a glimpse of her mate coming towards us before everything goes black.

            I wake up, lying flatly on some hard cement. I rouse myself and look around. I’m in the park bench, the place where I first and last saw Ron. By the way, it’s evening already. About eight in the evening… what happened, was it a dream? I mean, was the abduction real? Or am I just dreaming? I feel the hurt on my arm, and seeing a small point of red tells me that it’s real, and then I’m horrified. They have been using sleeping syringes to knock me out.

            It’s real, and now I’m free. Now what? I recall her saying, “Stay away from Lawrence Foster and Kevin Smith.” But why should I? I really don’t know, but now that I’m free, I’ll get help with mom, dad and Camille. But that reminds me that my abductor said that telling my family is pointless, and she even made a threat that I will just put those that I would tell about in danger. Well, I can’t risk them just to know my abductor. But sooner or later, I would know about this.

            The coldness of the pendant in my chest resonates the evening breeze reminds me of a necklace I have recently seen, and the carving of the word “Yen” in it. Yen… It sounds like a name to me.

            But for now, I absolutely have to go home. My family must be so worried of me. And it’s cold out here in the open.

            So I take my walk towards home, watching my way and my back, if my abductors are following me. But thank God I reach our house safely.

            As I get inside, mom reprimands me for being late, dad asked why, but I gave them other reasons so they would not worry, and it played well. I head directly to my room, and then I see Camille lying freely on my bed, reading a comic book.

            “Where have you been, little sis?” she asks, bubbly.

            “Camille…” Then I give her a stare, and she understands that I’m not in the mood.

            “What’s the matter? What’s the problem? Kevin?” she still insist, trying to provoke me. But I just answer her silence, then jump into my bed, pushing her aside, cover myself with my blanket and a while later, I’m into dreamland.

            The next day comes like a rush, and I even thought in the morning that the abduction yesterday was just a dream with exasperation, but I was quickly taken to my senses when Camille asked me about last night.

            This day is only for two subjects, Music and Arts. And my classmates in the first subject are so warm in greeting me and they keep on telling me that I did my job well in the play. I only exchanged smiles, and added compliments. Well, Lawrence has been so nice today. We have been talking frequently that I have almost forgotten that I should avoid him, with unknown reason, but I can’t help it. We keep on talking until we get with a kind of sensitive topic.

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