Welcome Back to Neverland Part 2

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Peter POV
He was standing in front of me in the flesh, my most trusted friend Felix.
"H-how are you here?" I asked, still in shock.
"Al I can remember was waking up behind a a stable and I came out here for food." He seemed as confused as me. "Do you know who could've done this?" I knew exactly who and I didn't want to say it.
"Uh, no I don't know who would've done this." As I finished the apprentice came up from behind me.
"Felix, good to see you again," he said to Felix putting his hand out for Felix to shake. "I assume that you aren't supposed to be here."
"Well, you aren't wrong with that," he laughed a little. "Where's (y/n), shouldn't she be with you like this whole plan was supposed to be."
"Let's go somewhere more private to discuss that," the apprentice said. We all started walking back to the cottage in an awkward silence. We got there and sat down at the table. The apprentice and I looked at each other trying to figure out who should talk first. I decided to start talking first.
"After I, uh, killed you, I was confronted with Rumpelstilskin. He then killed me. The curse enacted and (y/n) was heartbroken and went off to try and save me from death," I told the rest of the story of how she was turned and why, how we fought about where to put the darkness, and how she was now in Neverland. I left out the part about how she used me for personal use. He sat the whole time without saying anything. When I finished he let out a big breath.
"Well, we are in deep shit right now," was all he said. "What happened to the shadow, surely he can help."
"He was killed by Tinker Bell in Storybrooke," the apprentice added. "One other reason why Peter doesn't have control over Neverland."
"What if I'm the message that she's giving you, the darkness must be feeding her one of the most painful thing that might've happened to her and that's her own brother being killed by someone she first hated and now loves."
"He does have a point Peter," the apprentice said.
"If she brought you back that means someone else has to die in your place. For me (y/n) sacrificed herself, but was turned into a dark one."

Your POV
You were watching their discussion through a small portal window. It was perfect.
"How long are you going to keep them guessing before you get Peter over here?" Rumple asked watching with you.
"Just before midnight when Felix will start to go back. I'm going turn Peter with me, that way we can be together forever and bring back Neverland."
"Great plan," Rumple said sarcastically.
"What, do you think it'll fail?"
"Peter is working with the apprentice, a magician who has access to immense power and you think that they'll find a way to stop you."
"All I know is that Peter wouldn't hurt me." You closed the portal up. "I need to make preparations for Peter before he gets here." You grabbed some pixie dust and started flying for the old camp.

Peter POV
Nightfall came and we were started to worry about her plans. We had been looking through old books for ways to stop her.
"The only way to stop her is bind her to something," the apprentice said. "It's a painful procedure, but at least we can control her."
"No, she doesn't do good with that," Felix said from a chair trying to think. "She hates control, that why we ran around so many times, why she loved Neverland so much."
"That's it," the apprentice yells. "We need to bind her to something that is associated with Neverland."
"Bind her with me, we are already binned with other things, so why not this."
"When and if I bind you with her, you'll feel her pain, her hate, her love, her thoughts, and her magic," the apprentice warned me.
"Just do it," I replied, not caring what would happen to me.
"I can only do it when you are by her, maybe by having you wear something easily unnoticeable." I went back to (y/n)'s bag and grabbed the necklace with and empty bottle that once contained pixie dust. I handed it to him. "Perfect." He waved his hand over at and it started glowing with a dark aura. He gave it back and I put it around my neck. I felt and immediate change. I felt super excited and ready for what was about to happen.
"Why do I feel different?"
"You are halfway there to being part of (y/n), you can only feel her emotions. What do feel right now?"
"Super excited, like adrenalin is pumping through every vein." I started jumping off the ground trying to calm. "Why is she excited?"
"She must be planning for something," Felix said from the corner. The excitement dulled completely and now I was angry.
"Now I'm angry," I grunted.
"Must be the darkness, her plan is going to start any minute now." Right as he said that Felix fell from his chair.

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