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You awoke looking at the stars, the stars that helped you when you first came to Neverland. They were so much brighter then you remembered. You felt a twinge of pain on your hand and sat up. The dreamshade was still in you and it was spreading. You then checked your wrists for any cuff, there was none.
You crawled to the gate of the small cage and saw that you were once again above the ground, only there wasn't any ground. You were on a rock on pit.
You tried pushing the door open and it did, this strange ease. You crawled out and stood on the edge.
"Hello?" You called out, your voice echoing in cave. There was some quiet laughter in the distance.
"Hello (y/n)," someone said. From the shadows Peter appeared.
"Why did you bring me here?" You asked, tried to keep yourself together.
"It's a game, you must play and no cheating," he responded. "Level one is to admit one of your most deepest, darkest secrets."
"And what if I don't?" You crossed arms.
"Then you get to stay in here and go mad. The echoes in the caves whispers things to you. And being a dark one, it can be really bad."
He was right, there was some sort of some sort of low whisper flowing around the place, but you couldn't really hear what it was saying.
"You better say that secret soon," he said.
You thought hard. What could be a dark secret you have? It can't be that you love him, no matter what. The two of you had already expressed your love countless times. It had to be something else. And then it hit you. The first feeling you had when you awoke from the dark ones vault.
"I've wanted to kill you for all of your countless crimes against me. You tortured, tried to kill me, and you killed my brother twice. So there's my secret." He stepped back in shock. The ground rumbled and a rock path formed halfway across your rock and to where Peter was standing. "Why didn't it go all the way?" You asked Peter who looked terrified.

Peter POV
I was amazed at what she had said. She wanted me dead. Some part of broke, like I had been betrayed. I couldn't put my finger on it.
"Why didn't it go all the way?" she asked.
I had made the stupid mistake of stepping into the cave, now I had to tell a secret. I didn't know what though. I was pretty much in a clean slate ever since I had killed Felix. My past seemed like an unreachable dream now. There was one thing though, the thought kept me going throughout.
"The thought of you has been constantly in my head. I can't get you out." I started saying. The path hadn't grown yet. "I clean your cave. I let girls onto this island, but only if they are young. A small part of me feels broken for what has happened to you. Most of me- most of me doesn't." I finished and the path grew longer to my ledge. She walked across with caution. I wondered if I should touch her or speak.
She looked down at her hand and saw that the poison was gone. Tears were forming in her eyes and she smiled. "You still do care Peter." Was all she said.

Your POV
You were shocked at what he had said. After you had told him you wanted him dead. You knew this meant that the dreamshade was gone. It's why you were able to leave Neverland and not die. Peter still loved you. He just didn't know it.
"You still do care Peter." Was all you said. You felt tears on your cheeks that you didn't notice fell. You wiped them and looked into his dark eyes. "Well, I passed and now I don't have dreamshade in me. You have no leverage."
"Your life is the leverage I need to make you do what I say."
"I you don't have the heart to do something like that. That's why the dreamshade went away, you care."
"You don't know me. I'm not the person you thought you knew," he said with gritted teeth.
"What is your end game to this all, what did you want from me? It obviously not me you wanted."
He put his on your upper arms. "Of course I want you," he whispered. With a quick movement his hand was in your chest. "Just not the way you want." He pulled his hand out and successfully pulled your heart.

Found Girl (peter pan ouat x reader)(sequel to The Lost Girl)Where stories live. Discover now