What Happened?

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You opened your eyes and you back in Storybrooke. The place your swear you were far away from. You looked around and saw everyone else looking around wondering what was going on. You looked where Peter had died what felt seconds ago. Instead of the dagger laying there, he was.
You ran to him. "Peter, Peter, wake up please," you cried to him. He took a big breath, opening his eyes and sitting up. He looked at you and hugged you tightly.
"I thought I lost you," he whispered out of breathe. You could feel his tears soak into your hair.
"And I you," you responded half laugh. He let you go and looked into your (e/c) eyes. "How did we get back here?"
That question swirled around your head. Peter's curse had brought everyone to Storybrooke, but how did they all get back. Another thing popped into your head. Peter was out in the open where everyone could see him. "Come one, let's get somewhere safer than here," you said helping him up. You started walking with him to the back entrance of Granny's and went up to your room. Along the way Peter put his arm around you as you walked. You rested your head on him.
You made it into your room without anyone stopping you. You locked the door and closed all the blinds and curtains. Peter, on the other hand, was amazed at all of the technological advances in the room. Including the tv, telephone, and lights.
"How do these all work?" He asked.
"I don't know, they just do," you said a little annoyed. He put the telephone to his ear and was taken aback by the noise. You went over and took the phone out of his hand and set down. "Hey, we need to worry about making sure that nobody sees you," you said looking at him straight in the eyes.
"I could put a cloaking speed on myself," he said hopeful. He paused an you figured he was trying to use his magic. After awhile he gave gave a saddened face. "I can't feel any magic."
"Don't worry, I can do the spell," you said. It wasn't the most simplest spell, but it could be done. You chanted somethings under your breathe and it was done. Peter didn't look different to you or to himself, but he certainly looked different to others.
"Now, you're u need some more normal clothes and not your jungle clothing," you said looking at him. "You're also going to need a shower." He looked confused about the shower, but went along with it. "I'm going go into the laundry room and look for something and you start taking a shower.
You took him into the bathroom and showed him what to do. After that you went down to the laundry room to steal some clothes. To your luck there was a grey t-shirt, a green plaid shirt, and jeans that could fit him. You rushed back up and that was already done and was waiting for his clothes. You handed them to him and watched him put them on.
"Do you need anything else?" you ask trying to get your mind off of him putting on his clothes.
"I'm pretty hungry," he says.
"Let's go downstairs and have some lunch then," you say and tale his hand, ready to face whatever ahead of you.

A/n YAY!!!!!! I made the first chapter. Sorry it's late, but I've stressed out with school and finals are coming. But here's something that I got something done now.

Found Girl (peter pan ouat x reader)(sequel to The Lost Girl)Where stories live. Discover now