Grow Up

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Everything was just dark and cold. Like you were in between death and living. You could start to feel your body coming back to you, but not entirely. Panic rose as you thought of the idea of being a ghost again.
Air inflated your lungs and you shot up straight. Light flooded your sight again and you could see that you were still next to the waterfall. There was a sudden pain in your chest. You realized that you didn't fully heal. You were close enough to the pool of water that you slipped into it. The waters started working straight away, lifting the pain from your chest. You checked where it hurt the most and saw that the poison had left a scar. It was dark in the center and spread out like a spiderweb and faded out.
You got out of the water and went to the cave. There was a change of clothes for you waiting there in your bag. You changed and went back out of the cave.

Peter POV
The shadow had taken me back to the camp after (y/n) "killed" herself. I've been keeping things normal for a few weeks, waiting for her wake up from the poison. The shadow kept a close eye on me constantly. I haven't even gotten the chance to check on her.
"Why do you do this?" I asked him one day.
"It's part of the deal we made, for you to stay young and thriving for forever, you need to give up anything that will make you grow."
"But it is normal for boys to love," I yelled at him. I walked away to try and calm myself. He followed behind me.
"But it is your future with her that will make you age. It'll be the death of you." I pushed him away with magic. He didn't move an inch from his hovering state. "I'm just trying to help you."
"What if I do want to grow up?"
"You can't break a deal and you know that, hell, it runs in your family. Your son makes deals for a living."
"Don't bring him up in this, it's your fault he is like that."
"No it's yours. You were to weak to care for your child and let him go, just for power."
I heard a twig snap in the jungle somewhere. He heard it too and turned around and back to me. I smirked a little, knowing who it was. He knew also who it was. He shot dark magic out of his hand and to the direction of her. There was a large scream of pain. I started running to her.
I got to her as she was crippling to the ground. I picked her up and held her close. I noticed a dark scar on her chest and filled with anger. She was marked by the poison.
"What the hell did you do to her?" I screamed at the shadow. I looked back to her. She was still awake, but barely.
"She's had the poison in her system to many times and she got rid of it by breaking the rules."
I ignored him and picked her up bridal style. "Hey," I whispered to her. "Can you open a portal?" She nodded slightly and waved her hand. A portal appeared in he ground. I jumped in with her, holding on tightly making sure she wouldn't leave me.
We arrived on the other side of the portal in the middle of the Enchanted Forest. I laid her down on the ground softly. I waved my hand over her, healing her from the forceful magic that the shadow pushed on her.
She healed and popped her eyes open. She wrapped arms around me tightly. "I thought I was dead for sure Peter," she whispered to me, her voice shaking a little. I put my arm around her back. "The shadow was so strong and I kept fighting it. It took me forever to fight off the poison."
"It's alright."
"No it's not Peter, you said something about my mark, you yelled at the shadow for it. Why though?"
"It was a highly concentrated version. It must've been so strong it left a mark and it also healed it with magic that isn't from Neverland."
"Then why were you angry about it?" She loosened her grip and looked at my eyes. Hers were so bright, like all the light of the jungle absorbed in to hers. 
"It means you can be tracked by him, no matter where you are." I said, leaving out a detail. He can also control her. I looked away, hoping she wouldn't read my eyes.
"That doesn't really matter, as long as I have you." She let go of me completely and sat on the ground. She grabbed my face and looked at me straight in the face. "Let's get out of here, okay." She spoke to me in her smooth voice. I nodded and helped her off the ground.
"Do you want me to cover your mark?" I asked her.
She laughed a little. "It's fine, besides, it kind of looks cool."
I couldn't do anything but smile with her. I didn't want to forget this moment with us. I pushed my lips to hers to try and savor it more. She didn't back anyway. She most likely felt the same way.
"We should get some shelter," she said when she broke away. "And not the apprentice. I want to do something with just us."
"As you wish," was all I could say. I would do anything for her, as long as it didn't switch the coin. The coin that lets me dark and her light.
"Well, come on then," she grunted while trying to stand up. She failed and sat back down. Her face looked paralyzed with shock. "I can stand."
"It's the magic, I didn't want to use to much dark magic on you to heal you. It'll heal eventually." I got up and carried her on my back. She was actually very light. Must be from not eating. "How about we stay at a tavern, at least for now. You need food."
"That sounds good." She responded. "Just, let's make sure no that knows us is there, okay."
I continued to the nearby village that wasn't to far away. It wasn't the one that we hadn't been to before. I walked to the tavern, got a room and waited for food and brought it to (y/n) in the room. We didn't leave that village. It was near a great castle and was far away from anyone we knew. It was peaceful and calm. Well, until one of us snapped again.

Found Girl (peter pan ouat x reader)(sequel to The Lost Girl)Where stories live. Discover now