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"Who are you?" He asked right after you wrapped your arms around him. He didn't stop you though. You decided to let go and took a step back.
"I'm (y/n)," you replied shyly. His expression changed from confusion to astonishment.
"But I just saw a moment ago as a child." He looked back into the cottage and turn back with a nervous face. "How are you here, all grown up?"
"I guess this is what the witch wanted, to go back in time," you thought. "I can travel through time and space," you said out loud. "This was an accident though."
You felt a chill in the air and started to see snow flakes falling. "I would invite you in, but," he paused. He looked back into the cottage and back to you. "I have a little bit of a mess."
"I want to see her," you said sternly. "I want to see my mother." He nodded and stepped out of the way of the door. You slowly walked in.
You saw her by the back wall. She laying down peacefully. There was blood on the floor beside her, but she was cleaned off and laid in a clean cot.
You walked over and knelt carefully beside her. You looked so much like her. There was some differences, most likely from your father. She was still beautiful, even if she looked to be dead. You listened carefully and could hear a faint, whispering breath escaped from her mouth.
"She's still alive," you said turning around to the apprentice. "I can save her."
"She's halfway dead, it's useless."
"I at least want to say goodbye to her," you said, tears all ready streaming down your cheeks. You can't even say good bye, without saying hello, a voice rang in your ears. It was Rumpelstilskin's.
Without a moments notice, you put your hand above your mother's dying body and started healing her. Something kept pushing back. You fought harder until she made a bigger breathe and opened her eyes slightly. You stopped.
"It's me mom, it's your daughter," you said holding her cold hand. She smiled and put her hand on your cheek. Her smile was so bright, but grim at the same time.
"You look so beautiful," she said, struggling to speak. "I'm so happy I get to see you grown up before I leave."
"I'm going to help you mom, don't worry." She laughed a little.
"Your magic can't bring happiness, neither can you. You're a dark one now, I can sense the dark magic in you, but some of it is missing." She wasn't making any sense.
"I-I just need to take you to the hospital." You grabbed onto her tighter and teleported to the Storybrooke hospital in present day. You set her in a wheel chair and made the nurses get her a room using a persuasion spell.
They brought her into a room and hook her up to a few machines and left to do some tests. You mom was still holding onto life. She tried to refuse the treatment, but was to weak to do so.
"You're going to be just fine mom, the doctors are going to help you," you said, holding her hand.
"What I have can't be cured, I told you that. Besides, does this place look odd to you?"
You walked to the door and saw that everyone wasn't themselves, they were all different. "What happened?" You asked.
"You created a butterfly honey, you might not even have the life you had before."
You panicked, what could happen to you? Would you lose your memories of Peter? Would you age? Or worse, would you erase from existence? "How do I fix this?"
"Take me back, let me die," she spoke softly. You disagreed completely, but she was right though. You had to bring her back to save who or whatever was affected by.
You grabbed her hand and thought back to the cottage in the past. You closed your eyes and opened them back up to see the cottage surroundings. Your mother was back in the cot, dead.
"It was the right thing," the apprentice said from the table. "It was her destiny." You walked over to the table and sat. There was a loud, panicked knock at the door. You sprang up and put a blanket over your mother's body to hide her. "You need to leave," the apprentice whispered loudly. You thought to present day and teleported fast.
You teleported to your room in Granny's. There was someone else there. You turned to see Peter sitting on the bed. His face as amazed as your own. You thought you had lost him, again. You ran up and hugged him, knocking him down on the bed.

Found Girl (peter pan ouat x reader)(sequel to The Lost Girl)Where stories live. Discover now