Chapter Nineteen

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~Cynthias POV~

"MOM.!!!" I yelled as I walked into the house. We were at Derek's for about an hour and a half after I found out what I was. Im still trying to get my mind to grasp the whole thing. I am a hybrid. A special type of hybrid. Instead of two mythical creatures in me, there's 5. IS THAT EVEN STILL CONCIDERED A HYBRID.!? Ughh I don't know.

Mom came running in from the kitchen. "What's wrong hunny.?"

"Did you know.?" I asked her. Scott and Stiles went upstairs, leaving me and my mom.

"Did I know what.?" She said crossing her arms.


She sighed and looked down. "Mom, did you know.?" I whispered.

"Yes" she replyed. "Your father was going to tell you when you turned 14. Unfortunately, he died before your birthday. He didn't have a chance to tell you" She said, grabbing my shoulders.

"Well how come you didnt tell me.?"

"I didn't know how."

"I wish he was still here." I began to cry. "I was in so much pain today. When I started shifting, I only had Derek, Scott and stiles. I appreciate that they tried to help me but I'd much rather have daddy.! Derek said he'd help me through this but I dont want him.! I want daddy.! I miss him mommy" I said hugging my mom. By now we were both crying.

"Im sorry baby. God gave me an angel on Earth, literally" I laughed at that. "And now we have one in heaven to look after us" She smiled which made me smile.

"But im a demon too" I said, my smile fading into a frown.

"The demon part only makes you badass and hot.!" She said and I started laughing. "Your heart is pure angel, though. Nothing will change that."

"Thank you mommy. I love you so much." I said cuddling into her again. She pulled away and kissed my forehead. I walked upstairs and into my bedroom. I changed out of my clothes into a pair of sophies. I was standing infront of my mirror with my shirt off. I wrapped my arms around to my back and felt it. You couldn't see it but you could feel where my wings come out. That's disgusting.! I wonder if I can fly. Hmmm. I pulled out my phone to text Derek.

Me: Can my wings go thru my short without ripping it.? or do I have to take my shirt off everytime.?

Derek: Im almost positive that they'll go right through your shirt without ripping it.

Me: ard thnx.! :)

I pulled on one of my old volleyball shirts and walked down the stairs quietly and out to the back yard. Its all fenced in and has trees outlining the fence. Its very secluded and private.

Hmm. I wonder how this works. I began pushing as if I was giving birth. I felt the bulges in my back and there was pain there. But not the bad kind. It felt like the pain I get when my claws and fangs come out. I stopped pushing because I was simply out of breath. I began thinking about the wings coming out and sure enough, two white fluffy wings popped out of my back.

I reached around to feel them when I saw stiles standing at the back door staring at me.

"That is awesome.!" He laughed and so did I.

"Its pretty cool" I said. I thought for another minute and my wings turned to black ones. They looked like volture wings.

"This is so Fucking cool" I smiled to myself.

I looked over at stiles. "Can you fly.?" He asked.

"That's what I came out here to find out.!" I said cheerfully. I made them change back to the angel wings and thought. I thought really hard about flying. Suddenly, my wings started flapping and I was lifted off the ground. I didn't go to high so my neighborhood didn't see me. I floated back down and pulled in my wings.

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