gotta be you

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during the movie, luke ended up grabbing victoria's hand because she kept jumping. it made her feel queasy inside, in a good way. luke would never admit it but he got butterflies too, he wanted to hold her hand as soon as he could, but then he started getting nervous. it took him most of the movie to work up the courage. some of the group was asleep, the others cuddling across the various couches and chairs in luke's basement.
when the movie ended, everyone stretched out and rearranged themselves. victoria checked the time, it was 6 o'clock. she looked up and whispered to luke, "i think we'll go soon." he made a pouty face. "aww no don't leave me," he whined. "don't be such a baby, i'll text you sometime later." he smiled. "promise?" he asked. "promise." she said back. she lifted up off of luke's chest and yawned. "are you guys ready to go?" she asked the girls. they replied with sleepy yeah's and sure's. everyone hugged, put on shoes and exchanged numbers and good byes. luke led them out and everyone piled into victoria's car.
victoria turned in her seat, "you guys have fun?" she said, smirking. they laughed and began recapping the night's events. "i was laying on his chest, it was your goals!" shelby was telling them about how she practically cuddled the whole time with jc. "luke held my hand, it was super cute." victoria said. "AWW I SHIP IT!" lyndsey yelled. jordyn already had their ship name, "hashtag vuke for life. or something like that." victoria blushed, "guys no, not yet." "not yet, but soon." jessica winked at her. "oh my god, stop." victoria pulled up at her house, "i'll see you sometime, bye love you!" everyone exchanged goodbyes and she went inside. soon victoria had dropped everyone off and was on her way home.
after everyone left, luke felt good. he had one problem though, he couldn't stop thinking about victoria. it was like she could read his mind, because then he got a text from her.

victoria: hey! you guys were super super good

he smiled, luke was really glad that she liked them. he always felt so nervous playing in front of people because he was afraid they wouldn't like the music. luke liked their sound and he never really let hate stop them, but it did bother him a lot. the guys made him feel better when the band did get hate though, luke was glad to always have someone there for him. he texted victoria back,

luke: thank you soo much, i had fun with you (:

he slapped his hand to his forehead, realizing how weird the text looked with the smiley face. he double texted her.

luke: srry that sounded creepy, it's the smiley face man
victoria: lol yeah it kind of does but that's cool, i had a good time too
luke: we should do that more often (;
victoria: perv
luke: #sorrynotsorry
victoria laughed at luke's texts and turned off her phone. she thought that luke would be a cute boyfriend, it'd be better if he was her cute boyfriend though.

this is getting really sucky soz but tell me if you like it or somethin bc I think it's shitty
-yungn lei

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