one thing

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so luke and victoria had known each other for 2 or 3 weeks, and they'd really grown on each other. luke suddenly got the urge, and the courage, to ask her out. he asked the guys about it first, since it was kind of a big decision and luke tended to make dumb ones. he texted them all and asked if they could come hang out for a little bit, and said that he needed to tell them something. meanwhile, victoria was asleep in her room dreaming about when she and luke first met, but things were mixed together and it was different. it was still cute though.
victoria found herself wandering the streets in the busier part of town, where most of the cute stores were. she seen a small coffee shop on the other side of the road and it seemed pretty empty besides the girl at the counter and a guy in a booth. so she crossed the road and entered it. the girl at the counter, who's name tag read 'gabriella' gave her a warm smile and asked what she would like. 'a tall french vanilla latte, please.' the girl smiled at her again, 'coming right up.' she winked before she walked away and victoria sat at one of the booths behind the blonde kid's, but in front of him. he looked up and their eyes met, she seen he had a lip ring. he smiled at her and stood up, she was a bit sad that he was leaving so quick but instead, he walked over to where she was sitting. 'i'm luke, you?' 'victoria, tori, whatever works.' the girl brought over victoria's drink and walked away without a word. 'tell me something about yourself, victoria.' she liked the way her name sounded coming out of his mouth. and she started to tell him what she could.

when victoria woke up, she smiled and stretched a little. she could recall most of her dream and it made her feel all mushy inside. she really liked luke and she assumed he liked her back, but she could never be sure. yeah, it scared her that he didn't but it also didn't make sense. if he didn't like her, they wouldn't have texted or hung out so much. she checked the time, 11:56 am. she had nothing to do today, so she decided on a lazy day and went back to sleep for a little while.
ashtray: Luke bro it's 12 I'm barely awake
mike(no ike): yeah what ash said, can't you just text us your issue or whatever
rice farm: I can come, I'm not as lazy as these guys ^
mike(no ike): leave me alone i need my beauty sleep
ashtray: I'll admit it, I'm a lazy bum
luke: tru dat, but no I can't this is somewhat urgent so calum get your ass over here
rice farm: be there in like 15 minutes
ashtray: laaame I'll come over later
mike(no ike): same, i'm going back to sleep

calum had just got out of the shower, so he proceeded to get dressed and headed over to luke's  house. what could he possibly need this early? he thought. soon, he was in luke's driveway and he texted him to let him know he was coming in. they've known each other for years, so he didn't ever really have to knock or anything, it was kind of like his second home.
'LUUUKE WHERE YOU AT?' he yelled in the house, thankfully luke's mum wasn't home because she'd really be tearing into him about that. 'DOWN HERE, LAUNDRY ROOM!' luke yelled back from the basement. when calum got down there, he was folding clothes. 'wow, never thought i'd see this.' they laughed, 'me neither, help me fold these clothes and i'll tell you what's going on.' so the two boys folded clothes, talking about boy-ish things. when they finished, luke and calum went upstairs and starting watching tv on the couch. 'so, i'm thinking about asking victoria out, do you think it's too early? does she even like me? i probably shouldn't but-' 'slow down luke, it's a great idea. i totally ship it.' calum told him. luke laughed, 'you totally ship it? cal, i think you've been spending too much time with lolita.' he smiled. 'yeah you're probably right, but what can i say? she's pretty much my favorite person in the world, duh.' 'you sound like a teenage girl, might as well act like one and help me.' luke told him. 'alright, have her come over and you guys hang out for a bit- just the two of you,' luke listened intently, like it was a lesson he needed to pass a test. 'then, you just gotta ask her, but don't wait until you get too nervous because then it'll come out all weird.'

wow isn't this great I think it's cute Luke needs help idk but anyways I hope someone likes this, I got bored and was like okay write this it sounds good -somewhat smol bean lei

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