Chapter 16

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Alec's POV:

"We don't know that." I said. I was awake now, and yeah, I hear everything Kyla confessed. And it looks like that I was running away, but she need to solve this on her own. I want them to be together. Even if Samara does love me more that I love her. I want them both happy, and I knew there's just a tiny chance that Samara love Kyla, but maybe when they start over again and be 'thereselves'  that they really meant to be.

"I know that. She's fucking in love with you and I was just someone, who's taking advantage of it. She loves you, not me, okay. And I want her to be happy. She deserve to be happy. And I don't want to take that away from her... So I made a plan. When you're fully healed, I'm going somewhere far and leave you both two, happy. And you'll continue this thing I started. You'll date each other, love each other till the end. And I've never enter her life. I might call you and we'll meet sometimes. But I'll never see her again." She said as if that was so easy to do.

"That's bullshit! I don't love her more than you do. Aren't my emotion for this is important? I can't love her more than like a sister, but you can. And you would. Just tell her everything that happens. She's a forgiving person, so there's a chance she'll forgive you. Just try, you wight wouldn't lose something, but you'll lose everything when you just leave and pretend that nothing happens."

"I shouldn't do that. I should tell her the truth the first time we'd met. I shouldn't put anyone into this. I shouldn't be--"

  I cut her off. "Yeah, and you should blame yourself for that. Right? But it happened, and you can't change that except if you tell her the truth then she'll forgive you and you both start over and fall inlove with each other for real. And for who you really are."

"Do you really think she'll forgive me? She wouldn't." She said then sigh. "I'm sorry for putting you into this in so much stress. You should rest first then I'll come back." She said more calmly.

"But I rest in so many days, I have to help you. And this is the way I'm trying to, to give you both time. To fall for each other for who you are." I said. I know that it's hard to know when they are in love but I have a feeling that they do. And they will.

I Didn't Notice(GirlxGirl)RE-WRITING/EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now