Chapter 17

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Kyla's POV:

  I leave when she fell asleep. I don't want to stress her out, but I did. And since she's awake now, I think about what to do. And what I thought is just the right thing.

  I went in the apartment. And Samara was already there. It's already night anyways so I expect her.

"Hey," I said as I approach her.

"Hey you, Come here." She said and extend her hand. Then she makes me sit on her lap.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Nothing. I just really miss you."

"Really? It wasn't even 24 hour that i was gone."

"I still miss you."

"Okay." I said then hug her tightly. I don't want to let go, but soon, I had to.

"Hey, are you okay?" She ask with concern in her voice.


"There's something bothering you. What is it?" She ask.


"Come on, You can tell me anything."

  Yeah, right, anything. "Uhh, I was thinking that you could pick me up on Tuesday in a hospital?" I ask sadly. This is it.

"Umm, okay? Why though?"

"Just... ask my name there. The hospital was St.Jesse hospital. The one near the airport where I was suppose to go. Please come. I really need you too."

"Of course I will... But... you aren't pregnant, right?" She ask hesitantly.

  Tears flow down my cheeks, and she can't see me couz I was in her shoulder. "Of course not. Why would you think that." I try to laugh but fail and turn into sobs.

"Shh, why are you crying? Is there anything you wanted to tell me? Please, I want to help." She said soothingly as she caress my back.

"Just come there in Tuesday, promise me you will."

"Of course, I will."

I Didn't Notice(GirlxGirl)RE-WRITING/EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now