Airport Shenanigans (Chapter 2)

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Annalee's POV

The line for customs was sort of long and the process of customs was messy. I don't really understand it. I shake my head as we are sent to a booth.

"Welcome to Texas, America. May I see your passports please?" The blonde police officer asks us. I watch Rob pull our passports out of his backpack. "Here you go miss." He says, handing her the passports. The officer looks over our passports before stamping them. "You're all good to go. Have a nice trip!" She says, waving us off.

"That was surprisingly easy..." I murmur, rolling my suitcase in front of me as we walk in the seemingly twisting maze of this airport. "Not that way, silly." Rob says, steering me away from another terminal. "Sorry." I whisper, following him like a lost puppy.

A few minutes later, we're outside in the warm air. It was rather hot compared to home. Oh god, I miss home already. "Now we just wait for Preston." Rob said, looking down at his watch.

I bite my lip, looking down at my phone as the wind blew through my hair and ruffling it. '8:58' My lock screen glared up at me, showing me what the time was. "Your friend should be here soon." I say softly, looking up and around the pick-up area.

"Yeah, he should be." Rob muses, looking around as well. I turn around to set my backpack down when I come face to face with a brunet, nearly making me shriek. The boy smiles and puts a finger over his lips, a gesture for me to be quiet. I nod slightly and turn back around, jittery before suddenly Rob jumps.

Then, the brunet is laughing while Rob is blinking. I blink. "What." I say dully, staring warily at the camera that was clutching in his hand.

"You should have seen your face!" The brunet laughed, clutching his stomach with one hand. Rob just rolled his eyes. "Very funny Preston." My brother said sarcastically. "So this brunet is Rob's friend Preston? Dear god he better not be creepy." I thought.

"Oh that reminds me! Preston, meet my little sister Annalee. Annalee, meet my best friend Preston." Rob introduced us, looking nervous. "Damnit, why is everyone I meet tall?!" I thought, groaning internally. "It's a pleasure to meet you." I say quietly, squeaking out of surprise when he suddenly hugs me.

"There's a thing called personal space!" I squeal, my eyes wide. He pulls away, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I just really like meeting people that Rob knows." He apologizes. My face felt hot. "It's....It's fine." I mumble, turning away to my bags.

Thirty minutes later, Preston brought the both of us to a restaurant that I've never seen up in Toronto. I looked around the restaurant with such a child-like curiosity; you would have thought that I was just a really tall eight-year-old.

"Table for three?" The red-haired hostess asked. "Yes, please." Preston responded. The hostess nodded and got one of the waiters to come over to take us to a table. The waiter turned around to face us, and I swear, he winked at me before leading us to a booth.

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