ComputerCraft (Chapter 8)

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Annalee's POV

I hum quietly, playing a game on my phone. The others were all out cold. I could hear the quiet ticking of a clock hanging up on the wall and it just set the tone of the apartment.

After a few minutes, I grew bored of my game and I got off the bar stool. I walk back to the room Rob and I were sharing, running a hand through my short hair. I open the door quietly, seeing my brother spread out like an eagle in flight. I smile slightly, going into the room.

I open my backpack and dig through it for my earbuds. Since no one else is awake, I'll explore the apartment. I'm a very curious little girl after all. I pull out my earbuds and untangle the wire.

It takes me a minute to do so, but now I have my earbuds in my ears and I'm looking for a song to listen to. I tap on the icon for "Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance and I smile, hearing the beginning lyrics play through my ears.

I hum along to the song as I exit the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind me. Don't want to wake the sleeping beauty that is the man without a job. I put my phone in my Harry Potter sweatpants' pocket as I walk down the hallway towards the front door.

There was another room to my left and I look into the room curiously. A desk with a three monitor setup was in here. I enter the room slowly, taking in the magnificent setup before me. I knew computers and I can tell you, these monitors looked like they could run any program.

I get to the desk and I crouch to see the actual computer that holds the motherboard. I look at the front of the computer tower and I smile. This tower was probably faster than the one I use at home. "Wow." I whisper in awe before I get out from under the desk.

This computer was most definitely faster than the one I used in high school for my Digital Design class where I learned how to use Photoshop. "Teenagers" fades as another song starts. The song is "Thousand Miles" by Tove Lo. One of my favorites. I stand up and jump when someone speaks up from behind me, loud enough to cut through my loud music.

"Annalee, what are you doing?" They say. I turn around, pulling an earbud out of my ear. It's Preston, of course. "I decided to explore. And I found your setup. It's magnificent. How fast can your computer upload something?" I ramble, smiling. He chuckles.

"Rob mentioned that you love computers and how they work. I believe my computer setup can upload something at the rate of 7 upload? The office is faster, it's at 150 upload. It's really all about the internet speed." Preston says, shrugging.

"Wow. It's still better than what I use at home. I get about...4 or 5 upload. It depends on the day." I say softly, pulling my phone out of my pocket and turning my music off. I stuff my phone and earbuds in my pocket after that.

"Do you know what Minecraft is?" Preston asks me and I look up at him. "Yes." I say, trying to figure out what he's getting at. "Do you know how to play?" He asks. "Oh. He thinks I don't know how to play and probably wants to teach me. That's actually rather sweet of him." I think, internally smiling. "No." "I could teach you." He says after my response. I smile slightly. "I'd appreciate it very much." I say.

Preston gets a small look of surprise before it goes away and he smiles at me. "Okay. You can sit in my chair then." He says, gesturing to the office chair. I nod, sitting in the chair as he comes around the other side of me and takes the mouse. "You can learn on my account." He mumbles, clicking on the Minecraft icon. He's going to get a surprise when he realizes I actually know how to play.

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