Chapter 4

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Gilbert's P.O.V~
It was the next mourning. I woke up and went downstairs for breakfast. It was Waffle Wensday! I always open up my weekly pack of waffles from Emma. She is a sweet girl considering her brother is a huge dick! But her waffles are to die for. With Matthew's Maple Syrup. Just Kill me already!

Anywho I went downstairs and grabbed my waffles and syrup. I put them in the microwave together. Hot waffles with warm syrup goung down your throat. YUM!!! As they started cooking and saw Feliciano sitting at the table. I don't remember hum there last night.

"H-Hey vhat's Feli doing here?" I asked nervously. Ludwig didn't look up from his paper but only raised his hand. "Vhat am I vooking at exactly?" I said once more. Roderiech with his bowl of cereal pointed to one of his fingers. Then there I saw it.

There was a golden ring on his wedding finger. Feliciano and Ludwig were... Getting married. I bit my bottom lip to hold back my tears. I got out my waffles and syrup from the microwave and went to my bedroom. As I shut my door with my breakfast I let the tears flow.

Why? I've knew Feliciano longer, I've known him since... We were little Kids! I set breakfast down and flopped on my bed. Why? Why did I have to go to war? My ex-country was defeated. Then my new country dosen't exist anymore. I ate my breakfast in piece. When I was done I didn't have the heart to go put it in the sink. So I threw it out the window.

Author-Chan P.O.V~
The plate had accidentally hit Antonio in the head. He looked up to see him... Crying? He quickly ran to the German's front door and knocked. Roderiech answered the door.

"Vhat do jou vant?!" Roderiech said angrily obviously not having his mourning douse of coffee.

"Hola! I would like to speak to Gilbert please." Antonio asked. He nodded and pointed to the stairs. Antonio ran upstairs as quickly as possible. He got to the door and knocked on it.

"Hey... May I come in?" Antonio asked. Gilbert replied with a sniffle.

"Ja... Sure." He said. You could tell he had been crying. He opened the door and saw him face down on his bed.

"What is the wrong my amigo?" Antonio asked. He walked over to the albino man and patted his back.

"I- I can't... Tell jou." He said still crying on the bed.

"Well why not? I am trying to help you."

"It's not that I don't vant to tell jou it's just that... My bruders here... I am sorry Antonio."

"No need to be sorry my amigo... I will make sure you are happy! Mark my word."

"Well... Do jou have Alfred and Mathias's numbers?"

"Yea... Why?"

"Text them, Aruther, and Francis to meet me and jou at zeh park A-S-A-P."

"Okay... Sent!"

"Okay Let's Go..." then the two were off. They snuck past Roderiech, Feliciano, and Ludwig to the park.

***Le TimeSkip brought you too an Awsome Trio, Fail Brothers Trio, and a Bad Touch Trio meeting all at the same time***

Gilbert and Antonio were at the park. Everyone met up and the park dinner when refused to leave.

"Why can't we leave this bloody dinner? It smells like fish in here." Aruther said plugging his nose.

"Well... They got half off Snowcones and I am not going out there in the heat for them to melt. Mathias agrees with me, right dude?" Alfred says setting down many snowcones. Mathias looks over at Alfred and replies with a "Hm".

"Oh yea... These are Pretty Holy Danish Pastries!" Mathias yells he falls on the floor rolling. "Arg! I got Brain Freeze! Ahhh!"

"Suck on your thumb... It will go away faster." Aruther said. Mathias did as he was told and the brain freeze went away.

"Okay, okay... Enough chit chat about Brain Freezes. I... Found out zat..." Gilbert said before he was rudely interrupted.

"Abour what? What Happened?" Mathias yelled.

"Bruh, Really? He trying to make a moment." Alfred said back.

"Well sorry... My enthusiasm wants to know."

"Dude, Can you be quiet? You Are Annoying Right Now."





"NO!" Then Mathias threw his axe on the table. "I... Said... No." Mathias said. Feeling accomplished he took a drink of his some-what melted snow cone.

"FELI IS GETTING MARRIED TO MY BRUDER!!!" Gilbert yelled. Mathias started choking on the snow cone.

"What!? Feli is getting Married!?" Alfred yelled. Mathias then fell on the floor choking himself by the snow cone.

"I got him." Aruther said helping Mathias breathe again.

"Hey! Your supposed to do that to me!" Alfred yelled making a pout face and pointing at himself.

"You Wanker!" Aruther yelled just as Mathias could breathe again.

"I'm okay!... Now..." Mathias says then takes a drink of Aruther's tea. He spit it out and then yells "Feli's Getting Married!?"

"Ja... My chances with him... Are officially over." Gilbert said putting his face on the table.

"HonHonHon... You know zhis isn't going to be zhe case Mon Ami?" Francis said smirking.

"Yea! My amigo we are going to obviously help you get Feli." Antonio said patting his back.

"Thanks Guys... Jou are all the best!" Gilbert said smiling a big toothy grin. "I have a feeling we are going to piss off my bruder. I like zhat plan."

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