Chapter 8

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The day of the wedding part 3...

Gilbert paced back in forth.

"Vhat am I going to do? I need to see Feli get married!" Gilbert yelled. Antonio sighed not knowing how to reply. He looked up and saw the vents.

"Hey Gilbert! I'll lift you too the vent!" Antonio yelled. Gilbert looked up at the vent and smiled.

"Okay, thanks." Gilbert said standing up.

"No problem amigo!" Antonio then cupped his hands. Gilbert was then lifted into the vents. "Don't forget to let me out of this room."

"I won't I promise, Thanks Antonio." Gilbert said they saluted each other and crawled throughout the vents. Hoping he could make a cool entrance.

Oliver's P.O.V~
I woke up. Only rembering Mathias pressing the button on my cake topper. It was dark. Was I at Alex's house? No. My hands... One hand cuffed to a bar. The other hand cuffed to Aruthur's.

"Anybody else awake?" I asked.

"Y-Yea me, Emil... Aruthur?" he said. "Urg, I have a massive headache... Why can't I move my arms?"

"Um... I am Oliver. You can call me Ollie! And Everyone is handcuffed to each other." I said.

"What?! No," He said trying move, " I'm handcuffed to Mathias and Aruthur... Or you?"

"No. You're right it is Arthur, Poppet. Psst... Arthur... Are you awake?"

"Um... Yea... W-Where am I?" he asked.

"You're Handcuffed to me and Oliver." Emil said grumpliy.

"Grumpy much?" Aruthur said.

"Stop! No need to be ugly. It looks like we're going to be stuck like this for awhile. Now... Arthur could you help me?" I said. I hope they heard the agitation in my voice. I don't ever get angry. It is really hard for me to get angry too.

"Ya... What do you need?" he asked.

"My phone is in my left pocket and I can't reach it. Could you get it? It is in my left pocket."

"Eh... Well I guess." Aruthur moved over and grabbed my phone. He handed it to me. I quickly unlocked it and texted Alex and Matt.

Hey guys I need help. Me, and a few other 1p's are trapped in the chapel for Ludwig's wedding. We're handcuffed to each other. I really need help.

Okay, We're coming as soon as possible. Don't worry.

A handcuffed Oliver... I'm in!

You can make-out with Oliver later... I won't allow PDA when I'm there.

Fine! Oliver my lips will be waiting. ;-*


Gilbert's P.O.V~
I crawled through the vents. I saw and exit vent thing. I opened it and jumped out. It was just outside the chapel door. I heard the music of the wedding. I heard it quiet down a bit. Kiku was marrying them! I took this as my chance to make an entrance.

Just as I was about to bust through the door. Someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled me down.

Alex P.O.V~
I pulled the albino down to the ground. I delayed the wedding.

"You!" Matt yelled. "Where is my friend?" some of the other 2p's got up from their seats.

"This man!" I yelled, "Kidnapped Oliver! Cause he was afraid that he would ruin the wedding."

The 2p's got out of their seats and stood by me and Matt. Everyone got their weapons out including me and Matt.

"Kuro," I whispered to him, "You know what to do." Next thing I knew Kuro ran to the two and grabbed Feliciano. Then carried him to the other 2p's.

"STOP!" Gilbert yelled. "Don't hurt Feliciano!"

"He stole Oliver. He stole my man... So I stole his." I said.

"But he isn't Ludwig's man... H-He's mine." Literally everyone gasped.

"I-It is true." Feliciano said this.


"Yea... When I~a kissed him It was~a... Amazing! I have kissed Ludwig alot~a and it wasn't ever as good as~a the one kiss Gilbert gave~a me." Feliciano said. Ludwig pulled out a gun. He pointed it at Gilbert.

The next part kinda went slow. Ludwig pulled the trigger and the bullet was heading right for Gilbert. Then Lovino pulled Gilbert's feet causing him to fall. The gunshot missed. Next thing I knew Ludwig had one of Oliver's cupcakes in his mouth and he was out.

"Lukas let us out." Oliver stated.

"Oliver!" I yelled not really caring what he said. I ran to him. As I got to him I instantly locked lips with him. Of course he kissed back.

Author-Chan P.O.V~
No one really cared for the 2p USUK make-out session. Gilbert got up and dusted himself off. He looked at Romano.

"Thank you Frau." Gilbert said.

"Don't~a mention it. You were~a going to save my brother. I like~a you better. So... Kiss~a him." Lovino said pushing Gilbert into Feliciano.

Kuro blushed he didn't approve of a smooch over his shoulder. The took broke it for air. Kuro took the chance to take Feliciano off his shoulder. He wiped his shoulder with Zao's handkerchief.

"So are you too getting married?" Kiku asked.

"Hell Yea!" Gilbert yelled.

"I hear by announce you Husband and Husband." Kiku said. Everyone clapped as Peter ran to the two.

"Here are your rings!" he said in his high british voice. They put the rings on each others fingers.

"Throw the bouquet!" Natalia Yelled. Feliciano threw it and Yao caught it. Natalia punched him in the face and yelled, "Mine Bitch!"

"Who is up for a Nap?" Mathias yelled. People clapped and started to leave. The 2p's were the one of the last ones to leave.

"Hey... You two make a cute couple," Matt said, "Now if you excuse us we need to go back into our world. Come on Alex! Oliver!" The two were still in a major lip lock. So Alex Carried Oliver as they continued to kiss. "What did I say about the PDA?"

"Sorry Poppet." Oliver said then locked lips with Alex again. Gilbert shrugged and gave Feliciano one last Kiss.

"Come on Frau... Lets go home!" Gilbert yelled.

***~~~The End~~~***

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