Chapter 14

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*Ashton P.O.V.*

When Annabelle saw her brother I could tell she started crying even more. Hearing her cry made my wolf and I upset but knowing that it was out of joy made us mostly happy. She ran over to him and they both hugged then Evan and Daniel walked into the room with their own surprise. I hope Annabelle doesn't have a heart attack.

"Hey Frostbite" Micheal said to Annabelle and she laughed then looked over at Daniel and Evan. She squealed when she saw what was in Evan's arms, well more of a who than a what.

"Oh my god!" She gasped

"Annabelle we'd like you to meet Austin" Evan said as he handed over our nephew to Annabelle who then looked a bit in a panic. "And his sister Delilah" He added as Daniel picked her up from the little crib we had set up, and walked over.

"Aww, I'm an auntie?" She asked as she looked at both the babies. Both Evan and Daniel nodded, they had smiles on their faces as they looked at their new children. "And you named them after, after our brothers"

"Yeah, these two are twins just like Austin and Dylan so I thought it was a great opportunity, and Evan liked the names as well" Daniel explained. He then went to hand Delilah to Micheal but he shook his head no also seeming too afraid to hold the delicate baby girl.

"May I hold her?" I asked and Daniel smiled and nodded. He handed her over to me and showed me how to hold her so we were both comfortable. She had a small smile on her lips as she slept in my arms and was sucking on her thumb. She was so adorable.

I looked over at Annabelle and saw that Austin was awake in her arms. She was making funny faces at him making him giggle as he tried to make funny faces back. She was so comfortable with the small child. I could just tell she'd be a wonderful mother.

Me on the other hand, I'm probably going to be the worst father. Once I become Alpha I'll be drowning in work and Annabelle will be raising our pups without me as much as I don't want that to happen. I looked back down at Delilah and she was starting to wake up. She opened her big green eyes and gave me a confused look. Then she smiled.

"Looks like she likes you" Michael said standing next to me.

"I hope, I shooting for the favorite uncle" I joked and he laughed shaking his head

"Please, I'm going to be favorite uncle most definitely" we both laughed causing Delilah to giggle. I then handed the little girl back to her father Evan.

"Hah I don't have to fight for favorite aunt"

"You will when I find my mate" Michael replied

"No, I won't. I'm always going to be favorite aunt" she shrugged like it was no big deal. She then handed Austin to Daniel. "I'm so happy for you guys, and I'm so happy you're alive!" She hugged both her brothers then came over to me and gave me a kiss.

We all sat down for dinner and talked about random things, Annabelle went on and on about her day at the daycare. As Michael was explaining how he had lived the past few years I got this warm pain sensation. It didn't hurt much but it didn't make sense either. I then saw Annabelle place her hand on her chest.

She looked like she was burning up. "Annabelle?" I interrupted and everyone looked over at her.

"I'm fine, just a little hot"

"Annabelle get outside right now. You're shifting" Evan said and I quickly got up to help her. We all walked outside to the backyard where it was private and no one could see.

"Everyone stand back. Its hard to tell what creature she'll turn into" Evan explained. We all just sat and watched as painful as it was to do so.

She was screaming at first but then somehow relaxed a bit and let it happen, but she was still crying and whimpering. I saw fur start to show up and we all gave each other strange looks. "I thought her wolf was the only one with fur" I said to Evan

"I did too" we watched curiously now as she became smaller and was now fully lying on the ground not moving. We all got up and ran over to her, I quickly picked her up to see if she was alright.

"She's an otter?" Michael asked

"I thought she was supposed to be something else as a water animal"

"I guess since she's female she's something else" she was breathing heavily trying to catch her breath.

"Annabelle are you alright?"

"That hurt like a bitch. But yeah. Wait did you say otter?"

*Annabelle's P.O.V.*

"Yeah you're an otter"

"Hey whaz up! Just kidding I'm not like that. Dammit I totally ruined that introduction. I'm a disgrace I'm sorry" a voice said in my head. She was really beating herself up.

"Umm who are you?" My wolf, Lauren, and I asked in unison.

"Crap I really messed this introduction up. I'm Lynn, I'm your river otter. I'm sorry you got paired with me I'm a total armature"

"Hey so are we!" Lauren pipped up

"Oh thank goodness. Sorry but I thought I would have been your least favorite and you'd never shift into me and I would be completely useless"

"Of course you won't be useless. I already love you"

"Aww yay! I love you both already too! Wow this must be what it feels like to have a family!"


"Oh sorry I was talking to Lauren and Lynn"

"Its alright, I'm going to set you down now. You feeling alright?"

"Yeah" Ashton placed me on the ground and quickly stood. I was so small compared to everyone. I walked around for a bit to get use to the feeling then Lynn took control.

She ran and rolled around in the back yard in the snow. She was really enjoying it. "I'm going to take a guess Lynn took control" Ashton said to the others. She ran over to my niece and Nephew who were looking at us in curiosity.

"Is Lynn the name of her otter?" Michael asked and Lynn shook our head yes. Daniel bent down with Delilah in his arms bringing her closer to me. Lynn let me have control again since she was a bit scared of scaring the little girl. I saw something in Delilah's eyes that was a bit unusual.

There was something about her that was special, I saw it in Austin's eyes too when I held him. I wonder what it is.

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