Chapter Seventeen

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*Ashton's P.O.V.*
*Present Day*

I sat in the waiting room by myself. It was three in the morning and I was nervous to go back into Annabelle's room. Everytime I walked in there guilt took over me and she would start to freak out in her sleep.

"Alpha Ashton. The Luna is awake and would like to see you" a nurse said as she stopped right in front of me. I got up and followed her to Annabelle's room.

When I walked in I saw her staring at her leg. Her right leg. "Luna?" The nurse called softly and she looked up "would you like anything?"

"No thank you, I'm alright for now" the nurse nodded and walked out. I sat down in the chair by her bed and stayed quiet not knowing exactly what to say. She adjusted herself and lied down on her side facing me. She grabbed my hand and just held on to it. Its been a week since I had seen her awake.

"I'm not mad at you. I get it. You don't want the bad memory to come back to me. You're protecting me" she whispered. She wasn't looking at me but at our hands.

"I'm sorry baby, I just don't want to scare you" I told her then kissed her hand. She then looked at me and I could see the tears in her eyes. "Aww Annabelle" I whispered. I moved closer to her and placed my forehead against her's.

"I just want to be able to walk again. I don't want a chunk of my memory gone. I want to known what happened to me. I want to know if there is anything else that's wrong with me" she cried. I sighed and gave her a kiss then pulled back to look at her.

"Two months ago you mentioned something about Austin and Delilah having pale silver eyes while we were on a walk. I told you it was probably just the lighting, the angle you saw them at. We then got into a fight and you ran.

I didn't follow you. I was frustrated and didn't want to hurt you so I just stayed where I was to calm myself down. After fifteen minutes I went to look for you" I paused, what I was about to say next hurt me. "When I found you, I thought you were dead. There was a rouge that was above you. Your leg was in his mouth, he looked like he was trying to tear you apart.

"I never felt so angry. I killed that rouge so fast I don't think we had time to blink. I went back over to you and I got so scared. It was my fault. If I didn't yell at you none of this would have happened. You wouldn't be here, in this hospital"

"Thank you, for getting rid of the rouge, and for telling me"

"I'm sorry I couldn't have done more. I didn't get there faster"

"Ashton. You did the best you could. I'll be alright" she said then kissed my hand. We stayed silent for the rest of the night. She fell asleep after half an hour of silence. She looked so peaceful, and beautiful.

I can't believe I almost lost her. I don't know what I would have done if I did. There's no way I'm ever letting her near danger again, I just can't let her near anything like that again. She's going to hate me for that but I have to keep her safe.

*Annabelle's P.O.V.*
*Two months earlier*

Ashton and I were walking in the forest on a path he showed me awhile back. Its been a couple days since we babysat our neice and nephew. I had been wanting to tell him about their silver eyes but I was nervous. "Ashton, could I tell you something?"

"Of course. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just saw something strange"

"Right now?" He stopped and started to survey the area.

"No it was a couple days ago. When we were babysitting. When Deedee got fussy and woke Austin up both of their eyes were this pale silver and when Deedee stopped being fussy their eyes changed to their usual green"


"I think its because they have a special connection with each other and their wolves. It's whenever one of them are upset their eyes change"

"Annabelle, it was probably just the lighting. Pups can't change their eye color like that"

"But they did"

"There's no possible way they could do that. Just forget about it alright"

"I know what I saw Ashton" I slightly growled in frustration

"You haven't told anyone else have you?"

"No just you, why?"

"I don't want the pack to think you're crazy. No wolf has had pale silver eyes especially a wolf pup"

"I swear that's what I saw! I'm not insane Ashton!"

"Maybe you are because there hasn't been a single wolf recorded to have pale silver eyes in the millions of years we've existed" he yelled at me and I felt anger bubble within me. It was my wolf getting angry at our mate for not treating us as an equal.

I then turned and ran. I ran as fast as I could. Then Lynn asked to shift and I let her have control. She ran even faster do to her small size. We came to a river and she jumped right in.

I could tell she started to relax as she floated on her back in the water. Then something made her stop. It was a growl. Two rouges jumped out of the bushes and I felt panicked. "Lynn, use your powers against them, you're in control"

"I-I can't"

"What do you mean you can't?" Lauren barked

"I never was taught"

"Evan said that you should already know how to"

"Maybe his already knew but I don't know how to control water" the rouges then grabbed me. I cried out and tried to get out of their grip but they were trying to make a meal of me.

I felt my body shift and the rouges stopped. I got enough energy to stand and send one of the wolves to the water which was now a raging rapid. After doing that I felt the energy start to drain my body but I didn't want to give up just yet. I sent flames towards the wolf and burn his front paw.

He growled and hissed. He ran straight at me and knocked me down. I screamed but then everything went black. I couldn't feel anything anymore, and it was kind of nice.

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