Chapter Twenty-Three

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*Third person P.O.V.*

It was quiet. No one knew what to say to each other, especially not to Alpha Ashton. After a few hours of waiting in silence, Doctor Harper walked into the waiting room where everyone was. Ashton just stood in the corner of the room, looking out the window, silent tears fell from his eyes. "How-how is she?" Eliza asked in a whisper, tears ran down her cheeks as well.

"We're not sure, but we saved the baby. Congratulations, it's a boy. Do you have a name yet? It's alright if you don't, he was born early" Doctor Harper said trying to get everyone's mind on something other than the fact their Luna wasn't looking so good.

"His name's Jared" Ashton whispered, but do to the intense silence in the room, it sounded like he shouted. Daniel and Micheal both started crying harder do to the name. Jared Millson was the father of the Annabelle and her brothers. Ashton remembered the night he talked to Annabelle half a year ago, Ashton remembered how Annabelle told him she loved the name Jared and wanted to name one of her sons that if he was alright. Ashton was perfectly fine, he knew it was the name of her father without her even saying something.

"Would you like to see him?" Ashton nodded and followed Doctor Harper out of the room. She led him to the nicu and in there he sat on a chair and held his son. 

"Hey buddy, I'm your daddy. Soon you'll meet your mommy. She's recovering right now, but don't worry, you'll see her soon" more tears fell from Ashton's eyes as he looked down at his son. He kissed Jared's forehead and continued to talk to him. "Would you look at that, you have your mommy's hair, and her cute little nose. I'll always be here for you son, and your mommy will too. You're mommy and I are going to love you so much, she's going to be so happy to meet you"

Ashton sniffled and held his son closer to him. Little Jared smiled up at his father, eyes still closed. "Come on buddy, who's eyes do you have?" Jared then opened his eyes and Ashton was shocked by what he saw, Jared's eyes were a cloudy grey with specks of green in them, he'd never seen anything like it. Ashton smiled at his son's uniqueness, and held him close again.

It happened so fast. No one knew what was happening. Both Ashton and Jared felt it in their chests. Both of them cried out in pain. "Annabelle!" Ashton yelled

Doctors ran down the hall towards Annabelle's room. Ashton and Jared both cried in each other's arms and soon enough Diana and James both ran into the nicu and wrapped their arms around their son and grandson. The pain Ashton felt in his chest was like no other, he felt like his body was on fire but at the same time he felt so cold. He felt as if his soul was ripped from his body. Jared felt a pinching feeling in his head and chest, but he didn't know how to tell anyone where it hurt, or how badly it hurt. They all just cried in each other's arms. 

The rest of the pack also felt this pain in their chest. It wasn't as bad as the pain the Alpha and heir felt, but it was a terrible feeling that caused everyone in the pack to freeze and feel slightly empty. Raven was with her class of pups when they all felt it. She placed her hand on her chest and dropped onto her knees. Tears filled her eyes as the pups all whimpered at the feeling in their chests. "Luna" Raven whispered 

Annabelle was completely clueless to everyone's reaction. She continued down the path she took. Her heart hurt, she knew that if she didn't hurry than she might not make it. She tried to run as fast as she could but her leg also started losing feeling. She fell to the ground and soon the lights were gone and she lied there in the dark forest alone. 

She knew the forest was the right path to take. She knew that she had to go back, she couldn't just die, she had to go back to her pack, her brothers, her son, her mate. She got back up and kept trying to get back but hit a wall. "No!" she screamed. She pounded on the wall for as long as she could. To the world it was only five minutes but to Annabelle it was a few hours. 

She stood up and backed up. She took a deep breath and her animal spirits all knew what she wanted and they helped her. Each of them took control together, even a new spirit was there that was never there before. Her name is Camira, she was the air element spirit, an eagle. 

All four element hit the wall together. Annabelle's power got stronger instead of weaker, being since she had all her spirits with her she was equally even in power of the elements. She was stronger than ever and soon enough that wall came down and she saw nothing but black.

*Annabelle's P.O.V.* 

I gasped for air as I sat up straight and a blanket fell off of me. "I was dead" I cried then looked at my stomach, "my baby, my mate. Where are they? I didn't lose my baby did I?" I kept crying and people kept running around everywhere. Soon enough Ashton ran into the room with a baby in his arms. 

"Mate" he whispered and ran to me. He pulled me into a hug with one arm, the baby was between us. We stayed like that for awhile, both of us were crying as the baby slightly giggled. "Anna, this is our son. Jared this is your mommy, see I told you you'd get to meet her" Ashton handed me our son and he smiled up at me. I saw his eyes were like nothing I've ever seen. 

"He will have the power of two elements" A new voice said "I'm Camira, your eagle, your air spirit"

I smiled down at my little boy and then up at my mate. "I never gave up. I kept fighting" I told him as I wiped a tear from his cheek. My poor Ashton, his face was puffy from crying but he still smiled.

"I believe you. You flat lined for five minutes, it was the worst feeling. I'm sure the whole pack felt it. Jared even felt it" he told me then kissed me "I'm so glad to have you alive and breathing next to me. You have no idea my love. I never want to go another day without you. I want you by my side forever and always. Annabelle Millson" he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. I felt more tears come to my eyes and gasped, "you stole my heart from the moment I met you, now will you let me steal your last name and replace it with mine? Will you marry me?"

"Yes" I nodded and her slipped the ring on then kissed me. We pulled away due to a giggle from Jared. We looked down at him and laughed "Yeah buddy, we're all going to have the same last name" I laughed with him and Ashton kissed my temple. 

In that moment I felt as if nothing could break us apart. We were stronger now, more so than when we first met, when I was eighteen and Ashton was twenty-one. Here we are now, I'll be twenty in a month, Ashton is twenty-two and our son, Jared, a day old. We were a family. If only my parents where here, I know they would love Ashton and Jared so much. "I love you" I said looking back up at Ashton.

"I love you too"

Did you guys really think I'd kill Annabelle? I would cry if I did, I've grown so attached to these characters. Ok in all honesty about a month ago the thought came to my head but then I thought it would be better to have her live and I just love her, I relate to her a lot. I kind of on accident wrote her to be like me, like at first I was like she's going to be who I want myself to be but I can't be the person I want to be but as I matured within the year or so I've written this book I've become her, I've become braver and I'm not scared to be goofy and be open to people I love and work with children and care a lot about my siblings.

So yeah she's alive and there are only a few chapters left. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and don't hate me.

Stay amazing and beautiful like you already are!


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