Chapter Twenty-seven

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*Annabelle's P.O.V.*

"Mama!" Jared yelled as I walked into the house. 

"You're back! Is everything ok?" 

"Yeah, everything's fine"

"Are you. . ." Ashton drawled out and I shook my head no.

"No, but that's alright. I'm happy no matter what" I said picking up Jared who was pulling at my shirt. Ashton pulled me into a hug. Jared is a year old now and Ashton and I have been trying to have another child for a while now. We both don't want Jared to be an only child, and really want a daughter, but I can't seem to get pregnant again. We both went to the kitchen to start working on dinner. By the time we were half way through dinner we heard an urgent knocking on the door.

"I'll get it" Ashton walked away and not very long after he came back and he didn't look good. "Annabelle, we need to go to the hospital" I mumbled back an ok and we followed one of the guards to the hospital. I was confused as to what was happening as we made our way over, but when I saw a couple parents in the waiting room and when I saw the look they gave me I knew what was wrong.

I quickly followed the familiar scent in the hospital as Ashton kept telling me I had to wait in the hospital. I found the door and hesitated to open it. What happened? What will I see when I open the door? "Go on, I mindlinked Doctor Harper." I opened the door and saw Raven lying in a bed. 

She woke up suddenly and looked over at Ashton, Jared, and me. "Oh hello Aurora, is this you're little boy? Daniel was it?" Raven's soft voice asked, and I felt tears come to my eyes.

"Raven, it's me Annabelle"

"Oh Annabelle, you looked like someone else for a second, oh isn't Jared's birthday in a couple months? What should I get him?" She mumbled to herself. I walked over to the chair next to her bed and sat down with Jared still in my arms. 

"His birthday is today, and you already got him something. A beautiful painting of Ashton's wolf." 

"Oh, I knew that. Oh but the second baby, I need to get that one a gift for when they're born. You're due in a few months right?" 

"Raven, I'm not pregnant. I checked today, the tests came back negative"

"I swear you look pregnant, alright if you're not then you're not" she yawned and then smiled at me. "She must have been your mother"


"Aurora, you look so much like her. Thunder Storm pack, mates with the beta's son who'd follow her around everywhere. I remember after I was rejected from my mate she figured out the beta was her mate. I didn't tell her about my mate and I, I wanted her to be happy the last time she saw me. What a shame, what happened to her I mean. Such a wonderful person she was, just like you"

"Thank you Raven. Would you like to hold Jared? He's missed you lately" she nodded and I handed Jared to her making her smile from ear to ear. 

"Luna" Doctor Harper said at the door. I walked over and noticed that Ashton wasn't anywhere in sight. "Luna, turns out the first test was wrong. You are pregnant" Harper whispered to me so only I could hear.

"You're kidding" I gasped and she shook her head no. I was overjoyed to hear the news. 

"Also Luna, Raven isn't doing so well. She's not going to be around for very long, her mate is in the cafeteria. He knows it, I just want you to understand, it's about her time. She's had a hard life with many health problems, I'm surprised she was able to make it to this age"

"I understand" I looked back at her and noticed her eyes were closed. Just then an older man ran down the hall and into the room past Harper and me. He broke down crying next to her and I knew what happened. I grabbed Jared and cried as well. My heart felt heavy, and I couldn't hear anything, and the only sound I could hear was my heart barely beating. I watched as they turned the heart rate monitor off, and as they covered her with a white sheet. I was then taken to the waiting room by Ashton who insisted I needed to get out of the room.

I sat there for awhile, not wanting to go back home. "I'm sorry about Raven, she was an amazing person. I loved her dearly" Ashton told me. "I'm sorry I left but after she said that you were pregnant when you're not it just was hard to see someone like that again"

"She was right"


"Harper came in and told me, I am pregnant" Ashton hugged me and kissed me on top of my head. "We're having another baby"

"I think I already know her name" he whispered back to me confidently

"What if it's a boy"

"Oh no, this baby is a girl, I just know it" Ashton said with the same confidence making me smile a bit.

"Alright, what will her name be?"

"I think it should be-"

"Luna?" Raven's mate asked as he walked over to me. "I just wanted to thank you. Raven had a very rough life, and when she met you you reminded her of someone who always brightened her life. She really loved you like you were her own daughter. Thank you so much for helping her out" he cried out and I hugged him

"Of course, I loved her very much as well. I'll never go a day without thinking of her" he thanked me again and then Ashton made me go home with him. As I lied in bed I could tell Ashton was pretending to be asleep. "Ashton, I know you're awake. You never fall asleep before me"

He opened his eyes and smiled "You caught me. Come on, get some sleep. You need to for the baby and yourself. Please?" 

"Alright, I love you" I cuddled into him and closed my eyes. 

"I love you too" I then felt myself drift off to sleep. 

"Mommy!" I heard a little girl scream. I sat up in bed and ran down the hall. I felt a pain in my chest and knew something was wrong.

I ran into a room and saw a little girl about five years old crying on her bed. I knew she was my daughter and I wanted to protect her with all my being. I noticed her arm was bleeding and that she was shaking. "Mommy!" She cried out as she looked behind me and when I turned around I screamed at what I saw.

"No! Ashton!" I screamed and everything went black.

"Annabelle! Wake up!" Ashton yelled shaking me and I bolted awake. He pulled me into his arms and let me breathe for a second. "I'm right here, don't worry. I've got you"

"I think I know when the war will start" I whispered.

"It was just a dream. Don't worry too much about it" he told me and just held me as I placed my hand on my stomach.

I couldn't get the image out of my head. My daughter's blood was smeared on the wall and written out was "see you in ten years"

Hello! I hope you guys all enjoyed this chapter, and the book. I'm really sad that I'm actually finishing this book. The sequel's release date will be October 24th, the day of my birthday because why not. I honestly can't believe that I finished this book, because of you guys I finished this book. A couple years ago when I started this book I was twelve years old and I was just randomly writing things out almost and thought, hey why not publish it, maybe someone will read it then I stopped because I didn't know what to add to it, I was stuck. Months later I looked back at it and I saw that you guys really loved the book and I felt bad for not working on it. There were many other times that I stopped and life just got really hectic but I finished it!

Thank you! All of you! I love you all so much! You all have supported me and listened to me when no one else would and I really appreciate you guys for that! I'll hopefully see you guys for the sequel!

Stay awesome and beautiful like you already are!


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