Chapter Sixteen

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*Annabelle's P.O.V.*
*Two Months Earlier*

Both Austin and Delilah were having a hard time taking their nap so I lied them both down on my bed and lied with them. I put pillows around them so they wouldn't fall off and kept an eye on them.

They seemed to like the bed better than the little travel crib Ash and I kept at our house. Austin fell asleep really fast and didn't move around much, Delilah on the other hand, she liked the bed but I could tell she was having a hard time staying asleep. I started humming a lullaby to her, it was one my mom use to sing to my brothers and I.

She listened closely to me and started to settle after awhile. She drifted off around when I finished the song and I myself became sleepy so I closed my eyes and sleep took over me.

I woke up later to Ashton cooing Delilah. I watched as he whispered things to the little girl and as she grew a little more fussy. "Let me see her" I said reaching out for him to hand her over.

He handed her to me and I started humming the song again and I rocked her a bit. I got off the bed and gestured for Ashton to keep an eye on Austin.

I heard a knock on the door and went to go check to see who it was. When I opened it I saw Lucas, Ashton's beta who's been gone since like two months after I got here. "Woah, when did this happen? Did I miss the wedding too?"

"No, this is my niece Delilah"

"Which one of Ashton's siblings had a kid?" He asked shocked

"None of them. My brother and his mate adopted. Can't remember if you were here or not but found out two of my brothers were still alive. I also have a nephew up stairs with Ashton"

I then heard footsteps behind me and could tell Ashton was walking over. I looked over and saw him holding a sleeping Austin.

"Hey man, how's it been?" Lucas asked Ashton as we invited him in.

"Great, what about you, how was your trip?"

"It was good, Sarah is doing better. Doctors are saying that she might be able to change packs, but if she does she'd have to stay in the hospital for two months longer. I don't know what to chose though"

"Who's Sarah?" I asked confused

"She's my mate. I found her when we were looking for you. The day after we met she was in an accident, she hadn't shifted yet, and didn't know we were mates. She fell into a coma and recently shifted which made her worse. She still hasn't really woken up"

"I think, if its alright with her parents and alpha, that she should be moved to our pack hospital. You heal faster when with your mate" Ash suggested then Delilah decided to start crying.

"Sorry. Hey shhh. It's ok" I whispered to her and walked over to the kitchen to get her some milk. I grabbed her bottle and mixed the formula Evan gave me. When I finished and gave it to her she started to settle but was still kind of fussy.

"Annabelle" I heard Ashton call from the living room "could you bring Austin a bottle?" I quickly got him one and filled it up. When I walked in I saw Austin's eyes were different. Instead of his usual green eyes that matched his sister's perfectly they were a pale silver. I looked at Delilah and her's were pale silver as well as they both looked at each other.

When they stopped making eye contact their eyes went back to their emerald green. "You ok Annabelle?" Lucas asked

"Yeah, I just got lost in thought for a second. That's all" I brushed it off and I could tell Ashton didn't believe me but he didn't push it. He'll probably ask me later tonight. I handed Austin his bottle and then sat down.

*Present day*

I woke up and sat up right away. My breathing was heavy, and I could hear the heartbeat monitor beeping rapidly. Some nurses came in and tried to calm me. "Hey shhh, it's going to be all ok Luna. Don't worry" I saw Danny in the back of the room pacing as he held Austin.

"I'm fine!" I yelled at the nurses as they were asking me a million questions. "I want only my brother and nephew in the room right now" I ordered softly and they all left after a bit of hesitation.

"Ashton's not going to be happy"

"What do you mean?"

"He was the one who called for the nurses when he noticed you starting to freak out in your sleep. He thinks you're still mad at him for not telling you why you're here so he is staying in the waiting room. He wanted the nurses to stay with you"

"Alright, well he'll have to just deal with it. I can't stand being here" I tried to wiggle my toes, my right toes didn't budge. I still couldn't feel my leg.

"I can't stand seeing you here. The doctor said that your leg is paralysed. He isn't sure if it's permanent or temporary"

"So if it's permanent it will still be paralyzed when I shift?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry Belle. Would you like to hold Austin?" I nodded and smiled as the little boy was handed to me. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey there buddy" I cooed and he grabbed my finger as I booped his nose. His eyes then changed to the pale silver I saw him have in my memory. Just then there was a knock on the door and Evan came in with Delilah who was crying.

"Daniel, could you please calm her. You're better with her than I am" Delilah's eyes were closed so I couldn't tell if they were silver as well. Their is something special about them, but I don't know what it is.

Once Delilah was calm Austin's eyes changed back. I then showed Austin my wolf's eyes and he showed me the silver eyes again. "Annabelle, why are you showing Austin your wolf eyes?"

"Because he's showing me his" Austin then changed his eyes back to green "hey, change them back mister"

"I think you should get some more sleep" Danny said as he came over to get Austin

"No I swear. I'm not insane. His eyes change to a silver, so do Delilah's"

"Get some sleep Annabelle" Danny said then they all walked out. I'm not crazy! They really change!

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