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I woke up again, but this time I was alone. The IV machine wasn't hooked into my arm anymore, so I wasn't getting any more blood. I took off the heart monitor on my left index finger, and I sighed. I felt less terrible, which was pretty awesome, until I remembered I had to start training soon. "Fuck..." I thought, as I moved to the edge of my bed, swinging my legs down to the ground. I took a tentative step down, and slowly stood up. "Hey, I can stand without doing the Elvis Pelvis!" I quipped to myself, and I walked around the bed to the nightstand, hoping a change of clothes would be in there. Next to the lamp there was a folded piece of paper, with my name on it. I leaned down and picked up the piece of paper, and I started to unfold it and read it.

"Dear Jason. As you're reading this, I'm almost sure you're better by now. Whenever you feel ready and capable, come to my office to begin your training. ~Headmaster." It read, and I put it down, sighing. This training was going to be awful, I could feel it. I looked in the drawer of the nightstand, and found my school uniform. I stripped out of my hospital robes, and changed into the uniform. I then walked out of the hospital room and into the lobby. I signed myself out, and then walked to the school's courtyard. It was about a half mile, if I had to take a guess. It looked like everyone was leaving to go to their dorms, so I decided to just go to mine. As I was walking there, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around, and saw Moka, smiling softly.

"Hey, I almost missed you." she said softly, and I chuckled, nodding.

"Yeah, you got me just in time." I said back, and Moka looked around. Obviously she wasn't too thrilled about having to train me either. "Look," I said, sighing as I put my hands in my pockets. "I'm not very thrilled about this training either. But frankly, Headmaster told me to, and he scares me more than she does. So, I have no other choice." I said, to which Moka looked down. It looked like she was staring at her rosary, which would have seemed crazy if I didn't know a person was in there. "That's so fucking crazy...A whole person in one necklace? That must have been how 80s gamers felt about the NES." I thought, before continuing. "How about I meet you at that graveyard place at about six o'clock?" I asked her.

"Yeah, that sounds fine. I'll let Tsukune know so he can let Inner me out." She said, nodding in response to my question. I gave her a half smile, and nodded.

"I'm going to go to my dorm and sleep some more. I'll need the rest, judging from Inner you's personality." I said, chuckling. I waved goodbye to Moka, and she waved back. I then turned around, and kept walking towards my dorm. I walked inside, and looked around. "Doesn't look like anything's changed." I thought, going to the small kitchen in the dorm and opening all the cabinets. "Looks like Headmaster stocked up my kitchen for me!" I thought excitedly, looking at all the tomato juice and easy to make food that was in the cabinets. I picked out some rice and beans. I opened the fridge, and found a steak that was in one of its shelves. I started making my meal, and thought about my training tomorrow. "Ugh, and I gotta do classes right after that...Shit." I said to myself as I watched the beef sizzle in the pan. In a few minutes, I was sitting on the small two seated couch, eating my dinner. For some reason, there were no TV's anywhere, and internet didn't seem to exist. So, I ate in silence, thinking about what happened before coming to this school... The pain of that process....I thought I would die several times over during those six months... I shook my head, clearing those thoughts from my mind. "That won't help me now." I thought to myself as I walked to the bed, and changed into my sleeping clothes, going to sleep.

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! I groaned and slapped down on my alarm clock. I looked at it through squinted eyes, reading that it was 5:30 in the morning. "Ugh, I should still be sleeping right now..." I thought to myself, as I got out of bed. I changed into my P.E clothes, and ate a quick pancake and ham breakfast. I walked out towards the graveyard area, and I saw Moka and Tsukune were waiting for me. Tsukune looked at Moka, who nodded, and Moka's rosary was removed, the form I was still deathly afraid of now out and about. Tsukune walked a few feet away, not wanting to be in the way. Inner Moka looked at me, and smirked, walking towards me.

"So, I hope you're ready to start training." She said, her expression a bit too eager for my tastes. It was as if I were a mouse backed into a corner by a cat, and it was slowly inching towards its prey. I nodded in response to her question, my heart crawling up to my throat and thumping out so hard, it should have been played in a nightclub. "Well, I'll warn you right now, weakling. You're not getting off easy just cause you're weak. If you die, then you die. I won't spare you." She spat out coldly. She got into a fighting stance, and nodded. I got into a similar position to her. In seemingly one second, she was right in front of me, plowing her knee into my gut. I gasped, the wind getting knocked out of me as I flew upwards, landing on my knees and clutching my stomach. I groaned, getting up shakily, and looking at her. She ran at me, and everything went in slow motion again as my adrenaline began pumping. She sent a fist flying at my face, and I weaved to the left, throwing a punch when my legs were suddenly swept out from under me. I landed on my back, and grunted in pain.

"Come on, this is pathetic. Get up!" Moka barked at me sharply. I got up, backing away from her. This wasn't good... "At this rate, I really am going to die!" I thought as I readied myself. I ran at Moka, throwing punches left and right, which she dodged. She caught my right fist, and I kicked up my right knee, catching her fist, which was coming towards my gut. I grit my teeth, and I threw a left hook, catching her right in the face. She grunted, her head snapping to the right, and she glared at me as she threw me backwards. "Good." She spat out.  "But you'll need to do a lot better!!" She yelled, and in an instant, she was at my side, sending a kick right towards my head. I yelped, ducking and catching her leg. She hopped up, adjusting herself, and I used this to throw her leg up, and her off balance, kicking her in her defenseless side. Moka's eyes went wide as she groaned in pain, glaring daggers at me, her eyes practically glowing in anger. She punched me square in the face, breaking my nose, blood instantly leaking out of my nostrils as I flew backwards, crashing into the ground.

"Guys!" Tsukune shouted, running over to us. "It's almost time for class!" He said, pointing to his watch, which read "7:45." I nodded, getting up and wiping the blood from my upper lip. Moka looked at Tsukune, and nodded, before sneering at me.

"We'll continue tomorrow." she said, looking at me like I was a moldy piece of bread. She looked down, and sighed, reluctant to give me any sort of props. "But good work. You might have some potential..." She said, and I chuckled, nodding.

"Thanks...I'm gonna go internally bleed on the way to class." I quipped, and started walking off. The last thing I saw of Tsukune and Moka was him giving her rosary back to her. I returned to my dorm, changing into my uniform, and heading to class.

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