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(A/N: Finally, I'm back! Sorry I'm so late on updating, had a lot on my plate for a while. On with the story!)

 I woke up the next morning and went through a routine I hadn't gone through in quite some time. Instead of going out and foraging for my own food and training, all I did was get dressed, eat a quick breakfast, shower, and brush my teeth all before going out to the main building. Moka and the others were all walking in the same direction, though Tsukune was missing. "Odd, he's never been absent before...At least, that I know of." I thought to myself as I walked alongside Mizore and Yukari. "Hey, have you guys seen Tsukune today?" I asked, furrowing my brow in curiosity. Kurumu shook her head as the turned her head towards me.

"You know what, no, I haven't. Not since class ended today, actually." She pouted slightly and whined. "I wanna see my Tsukuneee!" She cried out, a gratuitous amount of tears literally streaming from her eyes. "Can- Can the body hold and lose that much water??" I shook my head and tried to avoid the muddy puddles she was creating with her waterfall tears. If worms could talk, they'd be screaming about the downpour of water coming from the giant blue haired demon above.

"Jesus H..." I took a sharp breath and quickly raised my eyebrows in a sort of 'Let's move on from this absurd amount of tears and ecchi anime drama'. "So, anyways, where do you think he is?" I was met by an assorted jumble of "Iunno"'s. "That's helpful..." Then this little creepy, comes-from-out-of-nowhere motherfucker does his little appearing act. Again. Could this guy fucking teleport or something??

"You want to know where Tsukune is, hm?" He mused, his eyes glowing with amusement and the slightest bit of mischievousness. "I know where he is. In a special realm I like to call Paradise." He looked at me knowingly, followed quickly by the swinging heads of everyone else. "Yes, that Paradise, the one Jason trained in recently. I think you've seen what effects that has on a person, yes?" The other's eyes burned into my skull like the Crystal Skulls from that one movie.

"So, you put him in this Paradise place," Kokoa called down as she hopped from a tree branch. "Sounds like a fun place to train. I'm in." She said confidently, her personality eerily similar to Moka's. I suppose that would sort of make sense, they were siblings after all. Headmaster did nothing but nod to Kokoa, and Moka stepped forward.

"Take us there too. We want to be with Tsukune, wherever he goes." She said with a surprising level of determination. It made me wonder how different she really was from her other personality. Maybe they weren't all that different as I previously thought. I nodded, giving a knowing look to Headmaster.

"Hm... Just know that you'll be getting no help in there." He was suddenly behind Moka, speaking soft words into her ear. "If you die, then you'll be a feast for the denizens of the realm~" He licked his lips and continued. "Now, how do you feel about going to Paradise, Moka? ~" Even I felt a shiver run down my spine. I remembered his real form, and it amazed me to think about how calm and collected he could be when he had that kind of power within him. He was also acting strangely macabre, even by his standards.

Moka jumped and looked at Headmaster fearfully. "Y..Yeah, we're gonna go...We'll be fine." She said, her voice quivering. "Can you take us there?" She asked, and Headmaster said nothing. Instead, he walked off, expecting us to follow, which we did. The familiar surroundings were filled with nostalgia for me, despite having only been a couple months ago... "God, even in that short of a time, I've changed so much..." I reflected, looking down at my clenched right fist.

After we walked into Paradise, the warm air greeted me like a conversation left unfinished for years and suddenly continued again. I smiled and walked out to the field I had trained in before leaving, the crater was still there after I had left. "Is that from Tsukune?" Moka asked curiously, her voice raising ever so slightly in pitch as she said Tsukune's name. I shook my head and laughed.

"Nah, it was me. Basically I had a shitfit and got pissed." I explained, looking at Moka and hearing the echos of her other personality's words, the ones that had driven me to become so angry and yet so determined. My family's safety from Danag and his general assholishness made up a larger chunk of this determination, but making Moka regret how rudely she treated me certainly couldn't be disregarded as a factor. Though, me being an angsty teenager with seriously fucked up surroundings didn't exactly help with my anger issues either. Therapy's gonna be fun, though. Just as I was about to comment on how nice it was to be back here, I heard a roar, then a sharp "CRAK!!"

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