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          As I rode the empty bus into the tunnel, I leaned my head onto my right hand, looking out of the window as the walls of the tunnel took a vibrant, swirling effect. I watched, mystified by the way the vibrant colors moved and mixed. I squinted as the sun shone in my eyes as we exited the tunnel, and stopped at the bus stop. I put my bag over my shoulder, and shook my black hair from my face, walking off the bus. "Hey kid.." I heard the bus driver say. I looked back at him, and saw he was grinning rather eerily. "I heard you're transferring to Youkai Academy. Never had someone come in during the second semester. You better watch yourself there." He said, chuckling after he finished talking. I smiled lightly. "It's the school you gotta worry about." I said jokingly, and the Bus Driver shrugged, closing the door, and driving off. I turned towards the school, and started my scenic forest stroll towards my new future.

          Walking up to the school's courtyard, what my eyes saw didn't match what I had imagined. This was a monster school, yet...There were humans walking around! "Wait a minute, Jason, you're a fucking moron" I mentally scolded myself. "This is a school meant for monsters to learn to live among humans. These are disguises!" I looked to the left, and saw some girl with blue hair glomping some poor asshole tits-first. I chuckled at the sight, and kept walking, going towards the Headmaster's office. Inside, he was sitting at his desk, peering at me as if he was waiting patiently for a Christmas present. But instead he got me. I was the Christmas present... Similes... 

          "Ah, you must be Jason, right?" he asked. I nodded, walking over to him, and sitting in front of his desk.  I couldn't even see his eyes under his white hood, which was part of some robes. I noticed a cross hanging from his neck, and I almost winced. I don't mix very well with silver...

          "Yeah, I am. I trust that my ties to you know who will be kept between us?" I asked, to which the Headmaster nodded, grinning. 

          "As long as you let them~" He said, smiling eerily. I blinked, and continued the conversation. 

          "...Right, so I guess all I need is my schedule and my dorm room and I'll be good!" I said, and the Headmaster nodded, handing me my information. 

          "You may want to hurry. The first class of the day starts in five minutes!" he said, and I rolled my eyes, jogging off towards class, looking at my schedule. Classroom 2-1. I walked in just in time, dropping my backpack down as I sat in the back, towards the middle. In front of me was a girl with purple hair, and to my left was a kid in a witch costume. 

          "Isn't she a bit young to be in High School?" I thought to myself. I shrugged, and looked up a seat, seeing the same guy who got glomped earlier. He was talking to titty girl about...something or other. I couldn't have cared less. Then, the teacher spoke in a very cheery tone. 

          "I'd like to welcome you all back to Youkai Academy!" The class roared with cheers, and I looked around, feeling mildly out of place. The teacher read something off of a paper, and looked towards me. "And, I'd like to welcome a new student here! Please, identify yourself." she said, and I knew she meant me. I stood up, all five feet and 11 inches of me towering over most of the kids. I did a slight wave, and nodded. 

          "Jason. My name's Jason." I said, and sat down, feeling all eyes on me. I noticed a girl with pink hair looking at me a bit too intently, as if studying my organs from the outside. I paid her little attention, and I went through class silently.

          The day went by fast, and sooner than later it was lunch time. I didn't want to really be near people, so I sat where any other guy would sit. The roof, alone. I admired the way the breeze went through my hair as I ate my food. Then, the door to the roof opened, and some thuggish looking guys walked over to me. "Well lookie here, we got ourselves a little emo bitch!" the biggest guy said. He was about 6'5, and absolutely jacked. His biceps threatened to rip his shirt at any second, and his sneer made me a tad bit worried. 

          "Look man, I don't want any trouble. Just walk away now, and we won't have to fight." I said, looking over my shoulder at him. He sneered at me, as if I were just some piece of trash left out on the sidewalk.

          "Ha, cowardly are ya?" He taunted me, his body growing taller and bulkier. His true form was now revealed to me. He was a troll, and a big one at that. "No problem then, hehe. I'll smash you to pieces and be done with it!!" The troll roared, and charged at me.

          "Hey, isn't that the new kid?" Kurumu said as she looked up at the lone figure on the roof. Moka looked, and nodded, thinking again. "That's the same guy from class this morning..." She thought to herself, before being interrupted. Three guys had joined the loner on the roof, and it was clear things were getting heated up there. Moka looked at Tsukune, and nodded. 

          "We gotta help him! No telling how bad he'll be hurt by them!" Tsukune said, to which Moka, Kurumu, Yukari and Mizore nodded, and ran towards the roof. 

          "OH SHIT!" I jumped to the left, the Troll's right arm clipping my ankle, sending me tumbling on the floor. "AGH!!" I screamed as I sliced my arm on a piece of broken glass. "Come on...I can't reveal my true form! Not here!!" I thought worriedly. 

          "COME ON, FIGHT ME!!" he screamed, running at me again. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion; I felt a huge power approaching, and the door to the roof swung open, and on top of that, the Big Guy was almost at me, his left fist swinging at my face! I took a deep breath, remembering what little training I had gotten before coming here. Letting a bit of Youkai energy flow into my right hand, I ducked under his fist, and punched him in the gut. The Troll doubled over slightly, gripping his stomach. He looked up, and I gulped, my heart pounding from adrenaline.

          "That...That was a mistake, dickhead!!" He yelled, and charged me again. I let a bit more of my energy flow into my leg, and I caught him in the face with my foot, and he flipped over, landing painfully on his back, unconscious. 

          "YASUI!!" one of his goons yelled, running over to help him. He waved his arm, and Goon #2 came over, and together they lifted Yasui up, and down towards the main floor. I panted, sitting down, gripping my arm in pain as it bled. I saw the girls and one guy from earlier, along with someone with silver hair. Her face...It almost mirrored the pink haired girl's, but it was more stern. She walked over to me, and sniffed, before looking down at me. I could almost feel the judgement radiating off of her. 

          "What kind of pathetic excuse for a Vampire are you?" She asked sharply, and I stood up, furrowing my brow. 

          "How the hell could she know about what I am?!" I thought to myself, my heart still pounding, and my knees shaking. She absolutely radiated power, and it was completely overwhelming! Her red eyes seemed to pierce my soul as she glared at me. "Is...Is this what a Vampire's power really is?? I thought I was strong, but-" My thoughts were interrupted as she scolded me again.

          "Tell me, what kind of Vampire almost gets defeated by a Troll?!" She exclaimed sharply, and I flinched. "Those are the weakest of the weak!" She pushed me, and I stumbled a bit before standing up. 

          "How do you know what I am?? I didn't reveal my true form!" I said, and the girl shook her head. The other girls, and the boy looked at me sympathetically. Clearly she was like this to them, too. "And to answer your question, I didn't go full out! I didn't want to reveal my true form here!" I exclaimed.

          "Hmph. What a lousy excuse. And your blood gives it all away. You smell like a Vampire, through and through." She said, as if it should have been plain as day. I shook my head, and sighed.

          "Look. I don't know what your problem is, but I gotta go eat. I'm too hungry to continue on talking." I said as my stomach grumbled. The Vampiress shook her head, and walked off with her friends, once again leaving me alone. "Jesus...Looks like I'm pretty chickenshit after all..."


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