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The ground shook as I exploded into a berserker rage once again, wildly charging and swiping at Headmaster. He grinned in excitement, hoping that I would finally be able to properly harness this power. To no avail, however, because I let out a guttural cry, dashing at him. I could only try to resist, pulling away with all my might inside of myself, trying desperately to regain conscious control of myself. His knee slammed into my gut, and I only growled at him, swinging a sloppy punch at him before the world slowly faded to black. Right before I passed out, I heard Headmaster's disappointment, "A week and still no luck. How troublesome..."

I woke up surrounded by rocks, facing the open fields that were far below. I groaned, getting up and holding my head and looking around, hoping to regain my bearings in such an unfamiliar place. I was definitely in some sort of cave, judging from the stalactites that sat above me, threatening to drop down and kill me. "Great, is there anywhere that doesn't want to fucking kill me??" I thought as I looked back down. In the back of the cave was a hot spring, the steam and light bubbling inviting me in to relax and escape the hell I had volunteered for. "Well, I didn't really have much of a choice..." I thought as I shed my clothes, stepping slowly into the water. Thankfully I saw the herb Storvio floating in the water, which allowed a Vampire to come into contact with water without getting harmed. I let out a deep sigh as my whole body, save for my head and neck. I looked down at myself, the cuts and bruises from my training with Moka healed, and replaced with cuts from Headmaster's ruthless attacks. He was so adamant about this training, it was almost scary! Then again, Moka used to just insult me, while Headmaster just...Scolded me. He must think I'm holding back for whatever reason, and he keeps egging me on to just let go, and take the reigns to my power. "Whatever I'm doing, he'd better tell me how to do it, cause I sure as hell just want to be done with the constant cycle; Train, go berserk, get KO'd, rinse and repeat." I thought as I leaned my head back. After what felt like hours, I got out of the spring, drying off and walking to my suitcase, which was conveniently located under my bed. I got on a plain black tank top and a pair of jeans, as well as my running shoes, which I had decided to bring just in case. I walked out to the mouth of the cave, looking out at the sprawling plains, a warm breeze blowing into the cave, rustling my hair. Since I had started going to Youkai, it had reached my shoulders in the back. "I'll need a haircut when this is done." I thought, noticing white in the corner of my right eye. I looked, and saw a piece of paper stuck to the cave mouth. I took it off the wall, and read it.


You're going to learn to survive as well as harness your power (which you still haven't come even close to doing). A mile from here is a forest with everything you'll need. Take only what you can carry with you. Below this note is a backpack you can use to carry supplies. Be back before sundown.

Signed, Headmaster.

I looked down, and picked up the large red backpack Headmaster mentioned, slinging the straps over my shoulders. As I walked towards the edge of the cave, I saw there were no stairs or anything, just a wall of rock. "Great. Looks like I'm climbing, too. Crazy old man..." I complained to myself as I began the climb down to the grass below. I looked out, and past the forest, I saw a large lake, the sunlight reflecting off its still surface, making it look like diamonds floating atop the water. Around halfway down, I slipped, and fell. I flailed frantically, catching myself on another handhold. I screamed in pain as I felt my left shoulder dislocate. I looked down, seeing there was only a three foot difference between me and the soft green grass below me. I pushed off the rock, landing on the grass in a crouched position. I cried out as my shoulder throbbed in pain, and I cringed further as I saw it. I grit my teeth, only seeing one alternative; I had to force it back into place. I counted to three in my head, and slammed my right hand up into my armpit, pushing upwards. "AGHHH!!!" I yelled out, clutching my relocated shoulder as I fell onto my knees and my vision blurred. I got up from my knees, gritting my teeth as the pain slowly faded. I moved my left arm around to test my shoulder. Seemed fine, for now. Hopefully my vampire regeneration could take care of the rest. I sighed, ready again to keep moving and start foraging for supplies, starting with food. I didn't want to go hungry, after all!

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