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I woke up at seven thirty, to give myself enough time to get ready for the day. I packed up the suitcase I had brought on my first day with all my clothes. "I can't believe it's been almost a month since I got here...Since my life changed forever. Thank you, Moka. You helped me become stronger, and now I'll get even better. I'll prove that I'm not weak..." I thought as I carried my suitcase down to the main entrance of the dorms. I sighed, looking around for a piece of paper and a pen. I found the two items, and I wrote a quick note.

"Dear Tsukune,

By the time you read this, I'll be long gone. I'm not telling you where I'm going, because I don't want you to be there. This is one thing I have to do by myself. Besides... don't waste your time with somebody as useless, somebody as uncontrollable as me. Tell Moka (Inner Moka) that I appreciate everything she did for me, even when she was being so cold towards me. She didn't like me much, I can tell, but I thought of her as a good person through her cold exterior... Tell her I'm going to prove myself, and when she sees me again, I won't be weak. Yours in departure, Jason."

I ran up to Tsukune's level, and slipped the note under his door. After I ran back downstairs, I got my suitcase, and I walked to Headmaster's office building. By the time I got there, it was about 7:50, and I sighed through my nose, my heart heavy about leaving the academy. I took one last look back, burning the image into my mind, and continued to the office. Headmaster was standing at the window adjacent to his desk looking out of the window, his hands behind his back. He turned his head to me, and checked the clock on the wall above me. "Right on time. Very good...Now, before we enter Paradise, I must warn you~" He said, walking towards me. He was taller than me, and if I had to guess, he was about six feet and four inches tall. Something about him put me on edge, as if he were about to turn around and punch me in the head. "Paradise is an unforgiving place, as per my design. It's home to endangered monsters, many of which are very powerful. If you don't be careful, you will be killed." He said, a grim tone set in his voice, and a threatening feeling taking hold of the atmosphere. I nodded in understanding, and Headmaster motioned for me to follow him as he strolled towards the portal. I grabbed my suitcase, and walked swiftly after him through the portal. I turned back, looking as the view through the portal to the hallway suddenly closed. "H...Oh my god!!"

The place that we entered was like nothing I had ever seen before. Lush green fields spanned as far out in front of me as I could see, topped with colorful, vibrant flowers. To our right, about a mile away was a thick forest, untouched by anything, or anyone. I looked up, and my jaw dropped and my eyes widened. A huge planet was in the sky, taking up a large portion of it, its rings like a knife carving a line through the sky. I looked at Headmaster astonished. "Ah, I suppose I should explain Paradise to you... It's a safe haven for endangered monsters that I've created. It's an entirely seprate dimension from our own, so nobody can disturb us while you train. Now then...Let us begin~" He said, shedding his robe. A series of Holy Locks, like the one Tsukune had were wrapped around his muscular body. My eyes widened as I watched him rip them all off, his body immediately growing, until he took the form of his true self.

"A...A Kishin?!" I exclaimed as my heart pounded at his immense power. He nodded, examining himself as he flexed his biceps. "I thought those were just legends among Demons!! I..I never thought-"

"You were wrong~" Headmaster said. He cracked his knuckles and his neck, as if he hadn't been in that form for years. "Now..." He said, his voice serious as he looked up at me, a gleam in his eyes. "Your training starts now!!" He yelled the last word as he dashed at me. I yelled in fear as I ducked below him, watching him soar over me. At the last second, his foot slammed into my face, slamming me headfirst into the ground. I groaned, spitting out blood as I got up. Now it was my turn to go on the offensive. Planting my right foot into the ground, I charged some energy into it, pushing off, soaring at him. He stood still, awaiting my attack. My fist crashed into his chest, yet he didn't even move an inch! I gasped, and grunted, throwing another punch at his face with all my might. Headmaster's hand swiftly went up, grabbing my fist and stopping it as if it were just a piece of paper. "You disappoint me, Jason." He pushed my arm backwards, and my eyes were still wide open from the shock of his power. "I thought your training with Moka would have made you at least a little stronger." He smiled, looking at me as if I were a piece of clay he'd soon turn into a great sculpture. "I'll make sure you're more powerful than you could possibly think you could be by the time you're done."

"I don't think that's possible... I'm too weak to ever get strong, Headmaster. You might as well just leave me here to die." I said softly, looking down. Moka had always been right, even when I thought I was strong, she showed me that I was nothing, the lowest of the low among Vampires, and even monsters. Headmaster tapped me on the shoulder, and I looked up at him. He was smirking and shaking his head as he scoffed.

"I've heard a lot of lies over the years, Jason. But that was the biggest lie I've heard in my entire life." He said, and I raised an eyebrow up at him in wonder. "Think about your berserker rage, when you fought the Vampire, and those Demons. The ground shook, right?" I remembered the events with a shudder, and softly nodded. "That was raw power, untapped by you. You were powerful, but only in those moments." My eyes widened, having never thought about it like that. Not only was I bad at fighting, I was clearly shit at critical thinking. "We'll focus on allowing you to tap into that power. Be aware, I will do things to make you extremely angry at some points." He said grimly, and I sighed through my nose.

"Well oh boy, that'll just be a barrel of monkeys." 

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