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"Again." I pushed my hand forwards in a punch, focusing my energy into the attack. Boom. A push of energy explodes from my fist, leaving a small ditch in the grass. "Focus, Jason. You're holding back, I can tell. You aren't doing it on purpose, your subconscious is scared of using too much power. Shinso Vampires are known for their nearly limitless reserves. Let go!" Headmaster explained, and I panted lightly, nodding. It had been a month since I started my training, and I was slowly getting used to my new abilities. Just yesterday, I had made a bat wing from my arm, and changed it back. My body was in better shape now, thanks to the vigorous training Headmaster was putting me through. "Try one more time. Imagine you're running. You need to run for longer in order to get better distances! The same concept applies to your energy, Jason!! Use more of it, and in turn, you'll be more proficient at using that amount!" Headmaster held his fist up, shaking it with his words to emphasize his point. I nodded, and shut my eyes, concentrating. Imagining a collection of all my energy was kept in my navel in a ball shape, I flowed it into my right arm. As I pumped more energy into it, I started getting an odd, scary feeling. "It feels like my arm's gonna explode!" I winced, gritting my teeth as I kept drawing energy. "C'mon...Just a little more..! Remember what he just said, you dick!" I scolded/encouraged myself. My arm felt as if it was swelling up like a balloon at this point, and I groaned loudly. "LET IT GO!!" Headmaster screamed, and I complied.

"UOWOOOOUHHH!!!" I screamed, thrusting my arm towards the ground in front of me. The world shook tremendously as a huge "BOOM!!!" ripped through the air, dust and debris flying up and around us. I panted, my brow beaded with sweat from the huge exertion of energy. The dust settled, and Headmaster looked at me, smiling yet again. I could tell he was satisfied with my little show, and I looked down, my eyes widening as I saw the destruction I caused; A huge crater, about the length of a small SUV, and at least 10 feet deep was before me. "Oh my God...I can't believe..." I looked at my hand as I voiced my disbelief, amazed that I could have caused something like that. "Shinso Vampires...I see why they're so revered now." I commented to Headmaster. He nodded, walking over to me and placing his right hand on my shoulder. He looked down at me, in his monster form he was at least 7 feet tall.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you Jason. That Berserker power, it's almost exactly the same as what you just did, in terms of raw power. Perhaps..." He trailed off, putting his finger on his chin. I looked at him, and he raised his finger, as if he were about to say 'Eureka'. He nodded, and continued his thought. "Maybe it wasn't Berserker at all. Maybe it was your dormant Shinso blood awakening, even if only for a short time." He hypothesized, which made me widen my eyes, and shake my head.

"That doesn't make sense...From what I've heard, it doesn't happen like that. It's only when you get the blood of a Shinso Vampire, and I haven't been turned by one!" I said, and Headmaster shook his head.

"Who turned you into a Vampire, Jason?" Headmaster bluntly asked, and I paused, thinking about the horrible, painful process. The man who did that to me...That was a name and a face I could never forget, no matter how much I wanted to. I sighed, his horribly charming face staying in my mind, taunting at me and sneering at me.

"His name...His name is Danag Everlid. He's a high ranking Vampire in their government." I explained, and Headmaster's gaze changed into something I had never seen from him before, and that I'd never expected to see. I saw true, unbridled fear in his eyes, as his jaw slowly dropped.

"He...He's one of the most powerful one since.... "He trailed off again, shaking his head. "Not important. What is important is the fact that he's obviously a Shinso. There's no other possible explanation for it, I'm certain. I wonder why you weren't immediately turned, though... You should have already been fully awakened as a Shinso when he turned you, right?" He asked, cocking his right eyebrow. I furrowed my brow, thinking about it for several seconds. "He didn't look like this, so...Maybe he himself was sealed somehow."

"Maybe he was sealed when he turned me. That would make sense, right?" Headmaster shook his head, and I chuckled, looking down and shaking my head. "Well, we can't focus on how I'm this Shinso thing right now. The thing we have to focus on is getting me stronger. Because I'm the weakest of the weak, even with this whole super mega ultra shit I have. And I think you said you'd train me, if I'm not mistaken." A smirk played across my lips, and it was clear Headmaster was having the same reaction as I. He nodded and stepped back, getting into a fighting stance. He moved his index and middle fingers, beckoning for me to charge at him. Drawing from my power once again, I charged at him and threw an explosive right hook when I was in range. Headmaster pushed it to the side, countering with a swift kick to my chest. I cried out in pain, putting my left hand on my chest. I grit my teeth, and charged at him again. One thing I had learned was how to move faster, and rather well, too. I feigned a left hook, then I dashed to his right side, pushing energy out of my foot as I kicked him in the small of his back. He flew forward, and I grinned. I ran at him, throwing a flurry of punches. He quickly turned around to catch my fists with his forearms, completely absorbing the damage. "You're too damn good, Headmaster." I grunted, throwing a kick at his left side, which he caught with his left hand.

"I've had a while to perfect my technique, my boy. But, your power is getting much better, in case you haven't noticed. You managed to hurt me this time~" He complimented and released my foot. I stepped back, readying myself once again. "Remember a month ago, when you couldn't even damage me?" I nodded in reply, and his gaze suddenly became a deadly stare. "You have much to learn, still. Don't think it'll be this easy ever again, Jason. You're going to be pushed to your limits, and a mile beyond that." He warned solemnly, to which I nodded again, gulping. Headmaster wasn't fucking around, clearly. The next thing I knew, he was right in front of me, swinging his fist up into my gut. I gasped, the air being sucked from my lungs as he lifted me up, slamming his other fist into my back and sending me to the ground. I groaned, propping myself up on shaky arms, looking up at Headmaster. "Shit...! His power's insane!! If I don't get stronger, he's really going to kill me!" I thought to myself, shakily standing up. "Just so you remember~ Now, you deserve a break for the day. Come, back to the cave. We still have months of training to do..." Turning around, he began walking towards the all too familiar wall of rock that lead to the cave. As he began climbing up, I decided to practice flight. Pushing energy from the bottoms of my feet, I slowly levitated. I opened my eyes, seeing I was calmly levitating above the ground, like a feather would in the soft breeze of a perfect summer's day. I pushed a burst of energy down, and I sprang up through the air, just about 10 feet upwards. "Hmm..Maybe if I..." I pushed more energy from my feet, increasing the intensity of power escaping. I shot up through the air, soaring above the cave.

"WOAHH!!! I'M DOING IT!!!" My yells pierced through the otherwise calm air as I flew this way and that, learning the subtleties of controlling yourself while flying. I flew downwards, and stopped as I fell towards the cave's mouth. Landing into a shoulder roll, I smiled, looking at a rather amused Headmaster. "Oh come on...That was fun!!" I enthusiastically said, feeling like a child once again. The feeling brought another, weighing it down; Sadness, and homesickness. Thinking of being a kid made me miss the simpler times, when I was with my family. My Dad making inappropriate jokes, and my Mother scolding him. "I'm coming back to America, guys...Just not yet. I promise, I'll come home safely." I thought, making a silent vow that they'd never hear...

Later that night, as I slept, my dreams were haunted by violent images against a black nothingness, appearing in flashes of motion. A great beast, unlike any I'd seen, destroying everything in sight... The deaths of millions of people, and... I shot up, screaming in lamentation for a death that never happened, yet felt so real. As if it hadn't happened, yet was bound by fate to happen. The same beast, laying waste to cities, a woman with light blonde hair, wearing a shimmering dress, standing before the fallen. Moka, Kurumu, Mizore, Rubi, and another. They weren't moving. I clutched my head as it pounded painfully. "Was it a vision? I can't think of anything else it could be..." I stood up, only in a pair of pajama pants I brought. I walked out onto the mouth of the cave, looking up at the moon and planet, which glowed softly. The cool evening air hit my body and comforted me, helping clear my mind. "Maybe it's a warning to myself...I can prevent that, but I have to get stronger... Even if it isn't going to go that way..." I looked down at myself, clenching my fists. "I have to get stronger. For myself, and my family."

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