Chapter 1

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A/N: I was going to publish this on Christmas as a gift to you all. That obviously didn't happen. Instead, this will be an apology to make up for all those crappy oneshots currently clogging the first chapters of my oneshots book seeing as this was going to be a oneshot at first. A quick few words, this story is completely made up, and was my attempt at drama with humor. I'm sorry if parts seem forced and boring. Enjoy!


Look! There he is! He's so hot!

It should be a crime to be that mesmerizing.

Do you think I have a chance with him?

Maybe I should try flirting with him.

I just can't look away! He may be my boss but he's so sexy!

I smile cockily as I stroll through the hallway. Yes, I'm aware of what everyone around me is saying. I've been working at this company for two months now thanks to the special treatment of being my father's son. Since I've been working at this company, I've noticed that those around me have taken to staring in lust when I walk by. Of course, it's only natural that they do this since I'm probably the hottest person they've seen.

However, I have no desire to sleep with anyone here. They're either much too low by my standards or they fawn over me too much and the attention becomes suffocating. I have yet to actually find someone who holds my interest long enough for me to care about what I do with them afterwards. Though, I doubt there even is anyone out there who is able to catch my attention in the first place. I guess the only thing I can do right now is focus on working for my dad until I take over the company.

"U-um... Mr. Donovan... Th-there's something I n-need to discuss... with you..." I look over towards the small voice and see a female standing next to me. She looks small and frightened like a rabbit with the way she's ducking her head but the tight clothes and pounds of make up just remind me of a prostitute. I roll my eyes but put on a smile seeing as I have to look good in order to get anywhere but no worries. Looking good is my specialty.

"What can I help you with?"

"It's, um... about your n-new secretary... he starts today." Oh, right. My dad told me I was getting one of those. Aren't they like a personal servant or something?

"...and he should b-be arriving here very soon." I hadn't even realized she was still talking. She handed me some papers and I took them with a smile that made her blush then walk away. Frowning to myself, I walk to my office and sit at my desk. Wondering about the new secretary, I scan through the papers the woman gave me.

Dustin Waylon. What the fuck kind of name is Waylon? Age 23. Only a couple years younger than me. Transferred from some random company I don't give a shit about for some random reason that I didn't bother reading. Well, my eyes did see the word complicated. Maybe he was fucking his boss? Whatever it was, he's now stuck being my lapdog. I almost feel sorry for the guy but why should I care?

I then noticed his picture at the top corner of the page and took a moment to see what he looked like. After a few seconds of taking in his features I could already tell what kind of person he is. Dull. There's not a shred of anything interesting about his picture. I'm sure some would call him cute but he doesn't even come close to my standards. How boring.

Just then, a knock came to my office door. I told them to come in and wouldn't you know it, Dustin Waylon walked into my office. At least I won't forget his name since it's so absurd sounding. He stood in front of me after he had closed the door, wearing a black suit and holding a brown leather briefcase. As I took him in, I noticed that he was actually a little cuter than his picture led me to believe. But again, not interested. Just seeing him in person was enough to make me realize my initial thought about him was correct. A dull person with nothing interesting to offer.

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