Chapter 6

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A/N: And here is the last chapter of this short book. So sad it has to end but maybe I'll write a few more oneshots about these two. Maybe with a note saying Julius got ran over by a bus. That'd be nice. I also thought 'why not have a dirty song for a dirty chapter?' so yea. Enjoy!


Once the boat docks, Hunter and I get into his car then make our way to his apartment complex, a building his father apparently owns so workers looking for homes had a place to stay until they found a house of their own. As it turns out, Hunter's father is actually a really nice guy. It almost makes me wonder how Hunter ended up so annoying and rude but like he said, no one really approached Hunter with good intentions. Still, he didn't have to assume everyone was the same way. As I continue mulling over Hunter's bad attitude, a realization hits me and I groan. Hunter looks at my frustrated expression with a questioning stare but I start to explain before he can question me.

"I just realized that if I had never met Julius, I would have probably ended up acting the same way Betty does." Hunter takes a moment to think about my meaning as the elevator reaches the top floor.

"You mean blushing all the time and stuttering out every sentence?" I nod as we walk through the door to Hunter's massive apartment, my brain doing mental 'oohs' and 'ahhs' at how clean and spacious the rooms are. This might be my third time being in Hunter's suite but I still can't get over how much this place screams how rich Hunter's family is.

"So you're telling me that if you had not met Julius, you would have actually been fawning over my looks?" I look back at Hunter who seems to be grinning now. Embarrassed, I look away and fold my arms over my chest.

"It's a possibility. I mean, just like you ended up thinking that us little people only wanted your body and money, I had the notion that all good-looking guys were jerks only because I met him first. If I hadn't, I might have been affected by you when we first met. But don't assume that means I would have just wanted sex or your money." I point an accusatory finger at Hunter and he just raises his hands in defense as he walks towards the kitchen while I take a seat on one of the large, black sofas.

"Hey, I've been with you long enough to know that you would have been interested in me as a person instead of my body and money. But that does make me slightly upset." Hunter has on a small frown as he opens one of the cabinets to retrieve the wine and two glasses. I just raise a brow as he sets everything on the table then goes back to the kitchen to get a corkscrew.

"Why does it make you upset?"

"Because that means that in a way, I have to be grateful to that jerk. He's partially the reason you were able to somewhat fix my bad personality." I laugh at that and watch as Hunter easily opens the wine and fills the glasses. He then hands one to me before sitting down with his, and we clink our glasses together. I take a sip and stop myself from moaning with how delicious it is.

"You weren't kidding when you said this was good. It's one of the best wines I've ever had." Hunter hums in agreement and takes another swig of his drink.

"Told you. Can I pick good wine or what?" I shake my head and continue drinking the wine. It's silent between us for a bit before Hunter hums and jerks his glass away, indicating he remembered something.

"My dad wanted to know if you would like to come to a get-together happening this month."

"Get-together? Is it for the bosses of big companies?" Hunter nods then takes another sip of his wine before speaking.

"They get together every few months to discuss alliances and gloat how much money their companies are making. In all honesty, they're boring and annoying but at least it gives you an opportunity to make deals with other powerful people."

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