Chapter 5

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A/N: Good news, this is not the last chapter. Bad news, the next chapter is the last one. But like I had said, the story was going to be 4 or 5 chapters at most. Having 6 instead is pretty lucky. Enjoy!


Why am I not surprised? I'm pissed, but not surprised. I was never really close to my father so it kind of makes sense that he'd use me to work off the debt instead of doing it himself. Bastard. I should have just gone to live with my mother instead. But I am curious about something.

"Exactly how much did he collect in debt? Also, how much did I work off that whole year?"

"He collected 1.4 million in debt. You didn't even work off a third of it." I felt my eye twitch.

"You know damn well I worked off more than a third." Julius just chuckles, a sound that makes me want to punch him in his pretty face. Wait a second...

"You were going to use sex as a way to decrease the debt." Julius looks at me and a grin has graced his face.

"I was thinking about it. How good you were in bed would have determined how much I took off the debt. In all honesty though, it would have probably just been me blowing off steam." Oh that fucking does it. I'm so punching this asshole. Or I would have if Hunter hadn't done it first. Carla and I watched as he marched over to Julius, grabbing the front of his suit then delivering a right hook to his cheek. Julius was sent backwards onto the couch and he was holding his face, understandably so. I looked between Hunter and Julius, one seeming to be in a rage and the other in pure shock. Is it wrong that I think an enraged Hunter is slightly hot?

"Please, say one more thing insulting towards Dustin. The next thing I do might result in you needing a sex change. But hey, at least you'll have the money for that." Julius can only seem to blink up at Hunter, a trickle of blood sliding down his chin. He looks like he doesn't know what to do and is deciding his next course of action. Hunter then pulls out his wallet, grabbing a folded piece of paper before looking at me.

"Get me a pen." Not really wanting to defy him right now, I go a get a pen from the desk in my room before giving it to Hunter. He takes it and puts the point to the paper which is apparently a check.

"How much debt did Dustin have left?" Julius mumbles out a number and Hunter quickly writes it down before handing the check to Julius.

"There. Now you can leave Dustin alone and never bother us again. And if you even try to do anything against me or my company because of what happened here today, I will bring your company down to its knees. Now get out." Julius accepts the check before casually fixing his suit and grabbing his briefcase. He mutters a goodbye then leaves, walking down the sidewalk and towards a parked black car. I don't bother watching the car leave as I slowly close the door.

"Man, you really have it bad." Both Hunter and I look at Carla who is staring at Hunter with raised eyebrows. He's the first to ask what she means.

"That whole display just now. You must really love Dustin if you're willing to punch another company bigwig."

"I don't... I didn't-"

"Can it big guy. I may be a lesbian but I'm still a woman. I know when a person is in love, even if they're two guys. You can't fool my woman's intuition. Now you just have to worry about how you're going to get in Dustin's pants because apparently both of you got off on the wrong foot." It was now my turn to say something.

"Carla, I swear to god, just stop." She just rolls her eyes and continues talking to an apparently flustered Hunter.

"Look, Dustin doesn't take kindly to teasing and pet names. He's just that kind of person. But you can make up for your lack of respect by giving him compliments and being disgustingly sweet because this guy is a hopeless romantic. But don't buy him expensive shit because then he'll just end up feeling bad so-"

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